1 δV = α
V δT p
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the variation of the coefficient
Figure 4. Variation of the simple tension
of volume expansion α with temperature T for polymers, and the
stressstrain curves of an elastomer with
glass transition temperature Tg. (After Eisenberg 1984.)
strain rate and temperature, and an enve-
lope of failure points. (After Ward 1983 and
Smith and Stedry 1960.)
data can be formed that reflects this influence. Fig-
chemical interaction between the rubber and the
ure 4 shows a schematic illustration of their data.
liquid has occurred, however. For rubbers the pro-
Brittle fracture of an elastomer after large de-
cess is simply a physical mixing process in which
formations should be distinguished from brittle
the molecules of the liquid diffuse into the mo-
fracture of the same material in a glassy state. The
lecular structure of the rubber (Treloar 1975). Vol-
use of the "brittle fracture" to describe rubber fail-
ume changes due to shrinkage during curing of
ure can be misleading and is not often used. In
the rubber formulation can be significant, particu-
addition, the transition from rubber-like behavior
to glassy behavior should be distinguished from
solvents (Panek and Cook 1984). As mentioned
a ductile to brittle transition. The terms ductile and
above, if the volumetric strains are constrained,
brittle describe primarily the failure response at
the material stresses will be affected.
large strains, whereas the terms rubbery and glassy
encompass mechanical response behavior of a
greater extent.
constitutive model
Although elastomers generally behave as in-
To characterize the stressstrain response of an
compressible materials in a mechanical loading
elastic body undergoing large deformations, it is
context, thermally induced volumetric strains can
sufficient to specify the form of the strain energy
be significant and, if constrained, can have a sig-
function W as a function of the deformation or cur-
nificant influence on the stresses in the material.
rent strain (e.g., Rivlin 1956, Green and Adkins
The thermal coefficient of volume expansion of a
1960). The derivative of the strain energy function
polymer is another property that varies with tem-
with respect to a strain component gives the cor-
perature such that the glass transition tempera-
responding stress component. The term hyperelas-
ture is revealed. Figure 5 illustrates this variation
tic has been used to describe such an ideal elastic
material (Malvern 1969).
Volume changes in rubbers can also be caused
The form of strain energy functions of rubbers
by exposure to organic liquids such as hydrocar-
has been deduced from both molecular consider-
bons (Treloar 1975). Rubber materials can swell and
ations and phenomenological experiments, and
contract with the exposure and expulsion of the
similarities between the forms have been found
liquids, and the volume compressibility can in-
(Treloar 1975, Green and Adkins 1960). Based on
crease with exposure such that an assumption that
experimental measurements, Rivlin and Saunders
the rubber is incompressible is no longer valid
(1951) have suggested that, for vulcanized natural
(Treloar 1975). Swelling does not imply that any