same period (Table 7). During the late August to
The inherent complexity of this dynamic en-
early September flooding cycle, 36 mm of new
vironment makes it extremely difficult to pre-
material was deposited, while 26 mm of materi-
dict what effects potential remedial measures
al had been resuspended and redeposited. Dur-
ing the winter 199293 period, resuspension sedi-
system and conversely what short- and long-
mentation ranged from 2 to 15 mm, or similar to
term effects the physical system will have on the
that of the summer 1993 amounts.
effectiveness and success of proposed remedies.
Within gullies, deposition occurs mainly along
Understanding both the system's response and
the lateral slopes away from the channel thalweg.
the effects of remedial measures are critical to
Depending on the depositional process, rates
developing cleanup strategies. Further analysis
could range as high as 10 to 30 cm for the sum-
of the processes and factors determining tidal
mer period, with several or more centimeters
flat hydrology and sedimentology are required
being deposited during a single flood and ebb
to predict the system's response to a particular
cycle. These rates primarily reflect adjustments in
remedial technology. The remediation process
the gully cross section, rather than deposition
may be enhanced or hindered by the physical
from tidal flood waters. Mass movements of
system. Questions regarding remediation will
slope material account for the majority of the
be addressed in our continuing investigations of
sediment deposited on lateral slopes. Sedimen-
the physical system dynamics of Eagle River
tation rates are therefore highly variable from
place to place. Note that the 199293 winter and
1993 summer gully measurements are not
directly comparable to the 1992 summer mea-
surements because most of the 1992 stakes within
Andrew, J. and G. Cooper (1993) Sedimentation
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marsh that is actively undergoing progressive
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stratification: A numerical model with special
sediment sources and a cold climate. The location
reference to Severn Estuary, southwest Britain.
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of ERF within an active earthquake zone adds
Allen, J.R.L. (1992) Large-scale textural patterns
further to the complexity and the potential for fu-
and sedimentary processes on tidal salt marshes
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lifts, because of an earthquake, major changes in
Allen, J.R.L. and J.E. Rae (1988) Vertical salt
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river channel may respond with increases in
Bartsch-Winkler, S. and A.T. Ovenshine (1984)
rates of erosion or sedimentation because the
Macrotidal subarctic environment of Turnagain
and Knik Arms, Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: Sedi-
altered physical environment. In addition,
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ground explosions and cratering during the use
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of ERF as a military firing range since the early
Bloom, A.L. (1984) Peat accumulation and com-
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