Army Aircraft Icing
A3. Forecasted icing conditions in the mission flight plan.
1. M. In winter encounter light-to-mod icing on just about every mission and
have experienced high unforecasted on occasions. From Belgium fly IFR 7 to
9000 feet to the UK or Germany weekly for mission support. Have blade deice
installed along with color WX radar and storm scope.
3. H. Limited to 12,500 lbs with the C-12F models during icing conditions.
4. M. Operational deployments impacted.
5. M
6. L. Assessed as low due to reduced collective training OPTEMPO during
winter due to preparation for Longbow turn-in, as well as weather in this region
is quite moderate.
9. M
10. H
12. L
13. M. Accurate forecasting is essential. Here in the Balkans with the
mountainous terrain that is sometimes a more difficult task.
15. L
18. L
20. H
21. L
25. H. Icing forecasts generally are not very accurate. Plus deice or anti-ice
systems on a/c test fine on the ground but fail in flight.
28. L
31. L. 95% of missions at 600 feet or below.
35a. M
35b. L
37. M
38. M (In Korea) icing at IFR altitudes in the clouds is quite common.
40. H. If we have to fight during winter months from a field site, this would
be a problem or limit our ability to get in the fight.
42. H