that formed near the glacier-glacioestuary
Boniface Parkway deposits--Extend dis-
boundary and that slumped subaqueously. Most
continuously from south of Ship Creek to
likely some combination of these processes was
South Fork Campbell Creek. Associated
involved in producing the deposits, but the rela-
with Russian Jack deposits and may repre-
tive importance of each is uncertain and might
sent more gravelly phase of those deposits
have varied both within the same deposit and
or perhaps are remnants of a once continu-
among the deposits included here.
ous esker system originally part of Dishno
Russian Jack deposits--Mainly diamicton;
Pond moraine complex. Occur also near
especially at depth may be ground mor-
North Fork Campbell Creek in small hills
aine equivalent to Dishno Pond, Fort Rich-
that may be modified kames and thus sim-
ardson, or older lateral moraines; nearer
ilar to deposits mapped as fkm. bpu are de-
surface includes some interbedded silt,
posits modified by urbanization.
fine sand, and sand and gravel both in
O'Malley Road deposits--Mainly in iso-
well defined beds and as obscurely bed-
lated hills that could represent either more
ded, discontinuous horizons. Thickness as
gravelly phase of glacioestuarine deposits
much as 25 m. Contacts fairly well defined
or partly buried kames that were initially
but may be gradational with Muldoon
part of Fort Richardson or Rabbit Creek
Road deposits in many places. Occur in
moraine complexes. Occur only near and
well-defined hills of smooth topography
south of North Fork Little Campbell
with gently to moderately gently sloping
tops and moderately to steeply sloping
sides. Although some hills appear drum-
Estuarine and glacioestuarine deposits
linoid in form, others owe their present
These are estuarine deposits formed in
configuration to erosion that produced
present-day Cook Inlet and its major arms, Knik
adjacent channels. Widespread between
Arm and Turnagain Arm, or in similar bodies of
Ship Creek and North Fork Little Camp-
water of the recent past with similar configura-
bell Creek. rju are deposits modified by
tion and tide characteristics. Glacioestuarine de-
posits accumulated in an ancestral Cook Inlet
that probably differed from the present-day inlet
Modified kame deposits. These are mainly gravel
in configuration, in level with respect to the
and sand, well to moderately poorly bedded and
present land surface, and in its association with
sorted; they include some interbedded fine sand
glacier ice. Over time, however, the ancestral inlet
and silt. Diamicton may be dominant in the cores
evolved to that of the present day with generally
of hills and also may occur at the surface of the
gradual changes in level and configuration.
hills. Contacts are well defined. Topography is
Modern estuarine deposits (latest Holocene).
These are deposits that are at least partly still in
commonly sharply hilly, with slopes being gener-
the transport mode in that they are or have been
ally moderate to steep.
until very recently reworked by the modern estu-
ary. They have been mapped around the margins
dkm Deposits related to Dishno Pond mo-
raines--Occur near South Fork Chester
of Knik Arm. Intertidal deposits are chiefly silt
Creek at southwestern end of Dishno
and fine sand; they are somewhat coarser near
Pond kame field where it was encroached
levees of major tide channels. They are well bed-
upon by glacioestuarine water; hills more
ded and sorted, being loose and water saturated.
subdued than those in unmodified part of
Thickness is less than 1 m to a few meters, proba-
kame field.
bly underlain by several meters of older intertidal
fkm Deposits related to Fort Richardson mo-
deposits. Contacts may vary in location with each
raines--Extend discontinuously from South
tide as well as from season to season and year to
Fork Chester Creek to south of South Fork
year. The surface is generally smooth, but incised
Campbell Creek where lowest-lying hills
1 m to a few meters by numerous channels that
of Fort Richardson kame field are more
may have steep margins. Slopes are otherwise
subdued than but identifiable separately
nearly flat to gentle, commonly less than 1%.
from hills composed of glacioestuarine
These deposits are best developed where adja-
cent land is not bounded by bluffs.
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