Time (hours)
a. At RM 16.
Time (hours)
b. At RM 8.2.
Figure 18. Simulated load distribution on the boom.
In the simulation, as the ice parcels reached the
boom, they were not entrained underneath but moved
along the boom to accumulate in the shallow area near
In this study a two-dimensional numerical model
the shore, initiating progression upstream. With the
for simulating ice transport and accumulation behind
increase in ice jam thickness, the water velocity
river ice booms was developed. The model considered
underneath the ice cover increases as well. The critical
the dynamics of surface ice transport in the river,
erosion velocity of 1.5 m/s was exceeded at the toe of
coupled with the hydrodynamics of the flow. The
the jam and ice started to be transported downstream.
Lagrangian discrete-parcel method with smoothed
This prevented the cover from progressing further
particle hydrodynamics was used to simulate the ice
dynamics, and a finite-element method was used to