River Miles
a. For the boom at RM 16.
River Miles
b. For the boom at RM 8.2.
Figure 17. Water surface profiles.
Slant-oriented boom
velocity is in the range of 0.750.9 m/s. Specially
As discussed earlier, when the open water velocity
designed booms may be able to form an ice cover under
approaches 0.7 m/s, the ice pans and floes approaching
these high velocity conditions, however. For example,
the boom will underturn and flow downstream,
a simulation with a slant-oriented boom, instead of a
rendering the boom ineffective. Upstream of the
boom normal to the flow, is shown in Figure 19. The
boom is placed at RM 16 at an angle of about 45o to the
backwater effect of the confluence, the water velocity
in the lower Missouri River is typically above the
flow. This alignment reduces the velocity component
threshold for ice retention by conventional means. Even
normal to the boom to 70% of the longitudinal velocity
at the extremely low flow of 566 m3/s (20,000 ft3/s),