rize data effectively within a layer. Water lines could
this section borrows from that help document but does
be drawn in specific colors to indicate material and with
not cover all options.
varying linewidths to indicate pipe size. A line on the
There are several components to the use of this com-
layer GIS_WATER_LINES drawn in blue and with a
mand, but the most important are the subcommand
line width of 3 might indicate a stainless steel pipe with
options and the INFO tables that can be used to capture
a diameter of 36 in. These color categorizations and
the AutoCAD properties of the data. The following
line widths would need to be agreed upon beforehand.
subcommands can be used to process specific parts of
After that, it is very easy for the ARC/INFO user to
the .DXF file:
capture the information.
Converts all entities except BLOCKS.
Using text or block inserts as data tags
This option is the default if no option is
Text can be used to create ARC/INFO annotation
given. This is the same as specifying
features to help describe features. In addition, ARC/
INFO point features could be created, then the XCODE
file used to get the text value. These values can be used
ATANNO for a single layer.
to "tag" the feature. For example, a set of lines indicat-
Converts entities to create coverage arcs.
ing a parcel's boundary could have the parcel ID num-
DXF entity types that can be converted
ber placed inside the parcel. The text could be captured
to coverage arcs include line, 3Dline,
as a point feature, the text value related via the XCODE
trace, solid, 3Dface, circle, arc, polyline,
file, and then a point-in-polygon overlay operation in
and LWpolyline.
ARC/INFO could be used to match them together. The
Converts point entities (point, shape)
same technique could be employed with linear features
from the layer.
by using the ARC/INFO NEAR command to find the
TEXTPOINT Converts text entities (text) from the
closest line feature to a point feature. The same can be
layer into point features.
said for block inserts, where the XCODE file contains
TEXTANNO Converts text entities (text) as annota-
the block attributes, which contain valuable informa-
tion in subclass named DXF. Each layer
tion about the feature.
will create a unique annotation level
(sequential, in order of appearance).
Determine the sequential order by
reviewing the output of DXFINFO.
Converts attribute and ATTDEF from
In AutoCAD, the command to export a .DXF file
the ENTITIES section of the layer as
is DXFOUT. The menu selection Save As... can
point features.
also be used to save the drawing as a .DXF file.
Converts attribute and ATTDEF from
ARC/INFO can read .DXF files from AutoCAD
the ENTITIES section as an annotation
releases 12, 13, and 14 in either ASCII or binary
in a subclass named DXF. Each layer
format. The ASCII format creates the largest files,
creates a unique annotation level
but they are easier to examine for problems if the user
(sequential, in order of appearance).
does not have the AutoCAD software. DXFOUT can
Determine the sequential order by
be used to output specifically selected objects or the
reviewing the output of DXFINFO.
entire drawing. If desired, the AutoCAD user could
Converts inserts as point features.
export specific layers using the object filtering capa-
Performs the equivalent of exploding
bilities. This could help keep the size of the .DXF
blocks for all points, lines, or multipoint
files reasonable. Either way, ARC/INFO can integrate
lines. Text entities contained within
the layers from the entire file or from subsets of the
blocks will be converted if either
The DXFARC command in ARC/INFO is the pri-
Attributes will be converted if either
mary tool via which AutoCAD data, saved as a draw-
ATANNO or ATPOINT is used. Inserts
ing interchange format (.DXF) file, are converted into
will not be converted as point features.
ARC/INFO coverages. DXFARC can selectively pro-
cess layers from the .DXF file. For a complete descrip-
When converting data into ARC/INFO arcs, the
tion of the use of the DXFARC command, refer to the
properties of the linear features are stored in an INFO
ARC/INFO documentation or on-line help. The rest of
table with the extension .ACODE. The properties of