in the watershed-scale delineation method comes in several forms: 1) whether the
potential regulated sites for planning purpose have been located, 2) whether the outline
and attributes of the site are described correctly, and 3) whether the rating represents a
reliable level of accuracy in predicting the likelihood that a site is regulated.
Environmental Laboratory (1987) Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual.
Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Holland, R.F. (1986) Preliminary descriptions of the terrestrial natural communities of
California. Unpublished report. California Department of Fish and Game,
Sacramento, California.
Lichvar, R., and M. Ericsson (2003) Map series of San Jacinto and portions of the Santa
Margarita watersheds. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR-03-10, Engineer
Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Lichvar, R., G. Gustina, and M. Ericsson (2003) Planning delineation and geospatial
characterization of aquatic resources for San Jacinto and Santa Margarita
watersheds, Riverside County, California. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR-
03-4, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Sawyer, J., and T. Keeler-Wolf (1995) A Manual of California Vegetation. California
Native Plant Society, California.
Strahler, A.N. (1952) Hypsometric (area altitude) analysis of erosional topography.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 63: 11171142.
This Technical Note was written by Robert Lichvar, Research Ecologist, and
Michael Ericsson, Geologist, both of the Remote Sensing/GIS and Water Resources
Branch, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Engineer
Research and Development Center, Hanover, New Hampshire.
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