Floating Dredge Unit
Comer Sheave
Floating Discharge Line
Traversing Cable
Concrete Pier
Tension Triangle
Lateral Positioning
Area to be Dredged
To Retention
Control Cabinet
Cable Reel
Figure 23. Dredge traverse system.
was ≈ 3 m higher than the opposite corner), some
on weight and configuration of these items was
small-caliber ordnance detonated and operations
difficult to obtain. In most cases, lateral cable sys-
were halted. Leveling recommenced under a new
tems are braced to trees along the shoreline. This
strategy: filling the low end of the basin floor with
was not possible at the Flats. A decision was made
trucked-in material. Throughout the construction
to use cubic meter concrete deadweights with pro-
process, changes to the system were necessary due
visions for lifting and attaching lateral cable com-
to additional requirements pertaining to the RCRA
ponents on the top of each block. (Each weighs
status of the site. By September, the final design
approximately two tons.)
was approved and construction wrapped up in
The layout for the blocks was determined from
time for the initiation of dredging.
previous sampling of the area and reports of wa-
In addition to the construction of the basin
terfowl mortality during feeding. Locations for the
structure, the Roads and Grounds office was
placement of the deadweights were surveyed in
tasked with the construction of a road through the
from a temporary benchmark located on the north-
wooded area between the EOD pad and Clunie
east corner of Clunie Pad using a total station and
Point, on the southern side of Clunie Creek where
marked with stakes and flagging. UH-60 helicop-
it meets the Flats. A cul-de-sac large enough to turn
ters were used to place the deadweights at their
a full-size tractor-trailer was required at the end
designated points. A UH-1 helicopter was then
of the road. A gravel ramp to Clunie Creek, the
used to assist in retrieving the sling gear. Initial
deepest water easily accessible to vehicle traffic,
tightening of the lateral winch cables indicated that
was installed to facilitate placement of the dredge
a single block was not sufficient in the Flats due
in the Flats. These areas are referred to in this re-
to the lubricity of the mud and vegetation as well
port as Clunie Pad. Geotextile was laid over the
as the unstable footing, so the blocks were doubled
area used for the pad prior to graveling due to the
up and cinched together.
wet, spongy nature of the ground in this area. Prior
With the deadweights in place, the remainder
to deployment, EOD personnel swept the area for
of the support equipment was assembled. The lat-
UXOs to reduce the ubiquitous hazards posed by
eral winch and cable system was installed at the
first location off the mouth of Clunie Creek. The
With construction of the shore-based structures
spoils line, consisting of 12-m sections of PE pipe,
drawing to a close, the tasks associated with the
was run from the edge of Clunie Creek, up the
actual operation of the dredge system were begun.
road towards the basin, through the woods, and
Primary among these tasks were the construction
up over the berm to the northern outflow pad.
and deployment of concrete piers or deadweights
Equipment and spare parts were assembled on
for the dredge traverse system (Fig. 23). Guidance
Clunie Pad.