set at a constant value of 3.4 107 kPa (5,000,000
Standard procedures of FROST calculations
lb/in.2). In the initial two simulation series, the
were selected as follows. The fully implicit method
resilient modulus, Mr , of asphalt concrete layers
was used for the moisture time domain solution,
were calculated by the equation (Schmidt 1975):
and the Crank-Nicolson method for the heat trans-
fer time domain solution. Simulations were run
Mr (lb/in.2 ) = 10(6.285-1.93110 T
with a time step of 0.2 hours, which is the time at
which boundary conditions are adjusted; updates
T -3.28010-4 T 2 -1.88810-5 T 3
of the thermal and hydraulic properties were set to
occur once per hour.
+1.17510 -7 T 4 +1.50210 -8 T 5
FROST produces what can be a very large out-
-2.02210 -10 T 6 )
put file. The first part of the file is a listing of the
initial profile conditions, including all the input
where T is the temperature of the element (C).
material properties. The next section is an incre-
For pavement temperatures greater than 50C, the
mental (usually daily) listing of the conditions
asphalt modulus was set to 1.7 105 kPa (25,000
generated for each node, including temperature,
lb/in.2); for temperatures less than 29C, it was
pore water pressure, water content, ice content,
set to 3.3 107 kPa (4,840,000 lb/in.2). In a third
density, and porosity. The final section of the out-
series of simulations, a second model was used
put file is a summary of the predicted frost heave
for predicting asphalt moduli when the tempera-
and frost/thaw penetration data.
ture was above 1C (Ullidtz 1987):
Mr (lb/in.2) = [15,000
TRANSFORM was developed at CRREL by
7900 log (T)] 145.04.
Chamberlain et al. (in prep.) and was modified
extensively by Wendy Allen and Gregor Fellors,
At below 1C, the Schmidt (1975) relationship
both of CRREL, for this study. The TRANSFORM
was used. Predictions of the two asphalt models
program uses FROST daily output files as input
are compared in Figure 4.
and produces files of layered pavement systems
In the layers that represent an unstabilized base
where each layer is assigned a resilient modulus,
course, subbase or subgrade material, TRANS-
Poisson's ratio, density and thickness. Output files
FORM calculates the modulus using regression
from TRANSFORM are in the format to be used
equations developed from results of laboratory
as input files to NELAPAV, the layered elastic
resilient modulus testing conducted on frozen and
program used to compute stresses and strains in
thawed soil samples (Berg et al. 1996). Each soil
the pavement system. NELAPAV requires a single
element is first classified using the criteria in Table
file containing both load and structural data for
1 to determine which type of modulus equation is
each day of the simulation.
appropriate. The modulus is then calculated using
TRANSFORM first reads from a separate file a
one of the equations shown in general form in
series of material type identifiers and their associ-
Table 2. The equations relate the frozen resilient
ated parameters needed for calculating the moduli
modulus to temperature (through unfrozen water
of the materials in the frozen and thawed condi-
content), and the unfrozen resilient modulus to
tion (see below). Then, TRANSFORM reviews
degree of saturation, stress condition, and to den-
the initial part of the FROST output file to deter-
sity for the class 6 special base course and the
mine the material type identifier for each element.
1206 subgrade. The specific parameters for the
From the incremental (daily) listings of the
Mn/ROAD materials will be discussed in a later
FROST output file, TRANSFORM next reads the
following conditions for each element: tempera-
The following parameters, which are specific
ture, water content, ice content, material density,
to each material, are used in the regression equa-
and porosity. A modulus value is then calculated
tions (Table 2): 1) FC1 and FC2, regression coef-
for each element.
ficients for the resilient modulus in the frozen
Moduli of surface paving materials were calcu-
condition, 2) TC1, TC2, TC3, and TC4, regres-
lated as follows. PCC concrete had the modulus