Table 3. Poisson's ratio for the material layers.
Poisson's ratio
Layer temperature is less than 2.0C
Layer temperature is greater than or equal to 2.0C and less than or
equal to 1C
Layer temperature is greater than 1C and less than or equal to 8C
Layer temperature is greater than 8C
Constant for all conditions
Thawed, volumetric ice content is less than 0.005
Frozen, volumetric ice content is greater than or equal to 0.005
ments within the same material type are combined
depth information related to the points where the
into a single layer if the modulus of the deeper
stresses and strains are to be computed, and 3) a
element is less than 20% different from the modu-
model number telling NELAPAV which form of
lus of the upper sublayer. A "weighted average"
the modulus equation to use for each material.
modulus of the two elements is then determined,
In the program, a 4082-kg (9000-lb) load was
with the weighting based on their relative lengths.
applied to a radius of 15.0 cm (5.91 in.), which
The modulus of the next lower finite element is
approximates the area of a standard set of dual
then compared with the modulus of the upper ele-
wheels or a falling weight deflectometer (FWD)
ment. The checking and combining process con-
testing plate. In all cases, stresses and strains were
tinues until an element modulus is outside of the
computed beneath the center of the load. For flex-
20% limitation or if a layer of a different material
ible pavements, the stress state at two points were
or a different frozen/unfrozen state is encountered.
analyzed: at the bottom of the pavement layer,
In this manner, a particular material layer in the
and at the top of the subgrade. For rigid pave-
pavement profile may be divided into several
ments, stress was computed only at the bottom of
sublayers. During the process of combining ele-
the pavement. In all cases the point of computa-
ments with similar modulus values, the thickness
tion was 0.01 in. from the interface between mate-
of each sublayer is also determined, as well as a
weighted average of its other properties such as
temperature, density and Poisson's ratio.
Typically, the pavement profile that was di-
NELAPAV is an acronym for Nonlinear Elas-
vided into 99 finite elements for the FROST pro-
tic Layer Analysis for PAVements. It computes
gram is combined by TRANSFORM into 5 to 20
stresses, strains, and displacements at any point in
sublayers with similar resilient modulus values.
an n-layered pavement system. The mainframe
During the winter and spring a larger number of
computer version of the program was developed
sublayers is more prevalent than in the summer
by Lynne Irwin of Cornell University and Gregor
months. TRANSFORM creates an additional "in-
Fellers of CRREL in 1980. The microcomputer
finite" layer beneath the modeled column for pass-
version was developed by Irwin and Daniel Speck
ing to NELAPAV, which has its properties set the
at Cornell University in 1984 and 1985 (Irwin and
same as those for the bottom modeled sublayer.
Speck 1986). The program is an adaptation of the
Additional items must be input to (or generated
Chevron Layered Elastic Systems program
from) TRANSFORM in order for it to create in-
put files for NELAPAV. They include 1) loading
Irwin and Speck (1986) describe the computa-
information such as the total load on a specified
tional approach used by NELAPAV and define
loaded radius, or load pressure, 2) location and
the following terms. The term state of a point in a