Modeling of Mn/ROAD Test Sections
with the CRREL Mechanistic
Pavement Design Procedure
Availability of data from the Mn/ROAD facil-
ity will allow us to verify and refine various as-
This is one of four reports related to the full-
pects of the model.
scale pavement test facility, Mn/ROAD, con-
structed by the Minnesota Department of Trans-
portation (Mn/DOT) adjacent to Interstate 94 in
Otsego, Wright County. One report describes the
results of laboratory tests conducted to determine
The mechanistic design procedure consists of
the physical and freeze-thaw related characteris-
the four programs FROST, TRANSFORM,
tics of the on-site subgrade and two of the pave-
NELAPAV, and CUMDAM (Fig. 1). FROST pre-
ment system materials used in the test sections
dicts the amount of frost heave and thaw settle-
(Bigl and Berg 1996a). Another report discusses
ment of the pavement structure and conditions
resilient modulus tests conducted on the above
throughout the depth of the structure (tempera-
materials (Berg et al. 1996). This report provides
ture, water content, pore water pressure, ice con-
an initial description of the computer programs
tent, density) at a given time increment. TRANS-
used in a mechanistic pavement design procedure
FORM uses the output from FROST as input and
under development by CRREL, and then describes
divides the pavement structure into "layers" based
a computer modeling effort that utilizes the re-
on moisture or temperature conditions. Each layer
sults of the material testing program in the proce-
is then assigned a resilient modulus, Poisson's
dure to predict the performance of some Mn/
ratio and density value. NELAPAV, a nonlinear
ROAD test sections. The final report of the series
layered elastic program, calculates stresses, strains
summarizes information in the first three reports
and deflections at specified locations within a pave-
(Bigl and Berg 1996b).
ment profile when a load is applied to the surface.
The mechanistic pavement design procedure is
CUMDAM calculates the incremental and cumu-
being developed for use in seasonal frost areas
lative damage the pavement undergoes using sev-
and considers seasonal variations in pavement
eral available damage models. The behavior is
strength such as:
normally modeled for a one-year period, with out-
1. Large increases in base and subgrade strengths
put on a daily basis. By assuming that the results
when frozen.
from a single year will be repeated annually, the
2. Loss of base and subgrade strengths during
number of applications to failure is estimated.
the spring when thawing and excess water
weakens the layers.
FROST is a one-dimensional coupled heat flow
3. Loss of asphaltic concrete strength during
and moisture flow model that computes frost heave
the summer months when asphalt moduli
and thaw settlement of a pavement or soil profile
decrease with higher temperatures.