direct measurement. By measuring stage, a cor-
debris upon channel morphology: A flume study.
responding discharge can be obtained from a dis-
In Proceedings of the Simons Symposium, Fort Collins,
charge rating curve, and a mean velocity can be
Colorado, p. 863879.
calculated. However, this approach is only valid
Cayuga Industries Inc. (1990) Brisco scour moni-
when the ice is free-floating and not restricting
tor. Cayuga Industries Inc., 2302 Cayuga Rd.,
the flow. Further, this does not account for veloc-
Schenectady, New York 12309.
ity fluctuations due to surges as water is put into
Clark, C.H. (1989) Remote water-temperature
or released from storage by the ice.
measurement. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, En-
gineering Technical Letter No. 1110-1-146.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (1990)
portation, FHWA-IP-90-017 HEC-20.
Haynes, F.D., D.S. Sodhi, L.J. Zabilansky and
oped for measuring and monitoring ice forces on
C.H. Clark (1991) Ice force measurements on a
a bridge pier and for monitoring the develop-
bridge pier in the St. Regis River, New York. USA
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Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labora-
A beam for measuring forces was installed on
tory, Special Report 91-4.
a pier of the newly constructed Bridge Street bridge
Michel, B. (1970) Ice pressures on engineering
over the White River in White River Junction,
structures. USA Cold Regions Research and En-
Vermont, in the fall of 1991. The 1992 and 1993
gineering Laboratory, Monograph III-B1b.
ice breakups were uncharacteristically mild but
Richardson, E.V., L.J. Harrison, J.R. Richardson
proved, nevertheless, that the ice force beam and
and S.R. Davis (1993) Evaluation of scour at
data acquisition system were functioning and ca-
bridges. HEC-18 Federal Highway Administra-
pable of detecting ice impact loads on the bridge
tion, Washington, D.C. Available from the Na-
pier. The measured loads were within the design
tional Technical Information Service, Springfield,
guidelines established by AASHTO.
Virginia 22161.
The scour-monitoring system was installed in
Sodhi, D.S. (1992) Ice structure interaction with
January 1993 around a pier of the Route 5 bridge,
segmented indentor. In Proceedings of the 11th IAHR
some 2000 ft upstream from the Bridge Street
Symposium on Ice, Banff, Alberta, vol. 2, p. 909
bridge. In addition to traditional scour chains, it
consists of active scour sensors, including a Brisco
Sodhi, D.S., K. Kato and F.D. Haynes (1983) Mea-
sensor and a matrix of "instrumented fish" at-
surement of ice forces on a bridge pier in the
tached at incremental depth to a vertical mast
Ottauquechee River. USA Cold Regions Research
buried in the riverbed. A mortality radio trans-
and Engineering Laboratory, CRREL Report 83-
mitter enclosed in each fish is capable of detect-
ing movement when a fish becomes exposed as
Stein, P.K. (1981) Measurement Systems Engineer-
scour progresses. Reburial of the fish occurs as
ing. Course handout. USA Cold Regions Research
sediment refills the scour hole as the flow veloc-
and Engineering Laboratory.
ity subsides. Therefore, these fish do not require
Telonics (1991) Operators manual. Telonics, Te-
resetting after each scour event.
lemetry-Electronic Consultants, 932 E. Impala Ave.,
Mesa, Arizona 95204.
Wuebben, L.J. (1988) A preliminary study of scour
under an ice jam. In Proceedings of the 5th Work-
shop on Hydraulics of River Ice/Ice Jams, Winnipeg,
American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) (1992) Stan-
Manitoba, p. 177192.
dard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 15th Edi-
Yankielun, W .E. (1992) An airborne millimeter-
tion. Washington, D.C., p. 2627.
wave FM-CW radar for thickness profiling of fresh-
American Institute of Timber Construction (1974)
water ice. USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
Timber Construction Manual. Second Edition.
neering Laboratory, CRREL Report 92-20.
Englewood, Colorado.
YSI (1977) YSI precision thermistors. Yellow
Bescha, R.L. (1983) The effects of large organic
Springs, Ohio: Yellow Springs Instruments.