Figure 34 shows the behavior of RHO and TRHO_I relative to GAWSER_RHO_RHO and
THRO_I are the most accurate of the four estimates of density in Object-GAWSER. From zero to
22.5 hours, TRHO_I is identical to GAWSER_RHO while RHO is slightly less than
GAWSER_RHO. After 22.5 hours, GAWSER_RHO and TRHO_I diverge, while RHO increases
just below GAWSER_RHO. RHO diverges from GAWSER_RHO beginning in 32 hours when RHO
becomes constant and GAWSER RHO continues to increase. RHO and TRHO_I converge together
below GAWSER_RHO from 47 to 87 hours. At 87 hours, RHO rapidly increases with
GAWSER_RHO while TRHO_I gradually increases. The difference in behavior between RHO and
TRHO_I is because RHO is more sensitive to changes in TEMPs ( see Fig. 35).
Figure 35 shows the effect of TEMPs on the behavior of RHO. RHO experiences three major
changes during the simulation period. The first change occurs from 26 to 29 hours when TEMPs
drops rapidly. The second change occurs at 32 hours when RHO becomes constant and TEMPs
rapidly rises above 0C. RHO remains constant until 50 hours. The third major change occurs when
RHO rapidly increases at 87 hours when TEMPs drops below 0C. These major changes are not
found in the behavior of TRHO_I (Fig. 16); therefore, RHO is more sensitive to temperature changes
than TRHO_I. RHO gradually increases from zero to 26 and from 50 to 87 hours because TEMPs
does not have any large fluctuations during those times relative to the times when RHO experiences
a major change.
Figure 36 shows the relationship between GAWSER_LIQ_WTR_REL and LIQ_WTR_REL.
Despite differences in the calculations of solid water content, liquid water content, snow depth, and
density between GAWSER and Object-GAWSER, GAWSER_LIQ_WTR_REL and
LIQ_WTR_REL are nearly identical. GAWSER_LIQ_WTR_REL and LIQ_WTR_REL are nearly
identical except when runoff begins before 45 hours and before runoff ends at 90 hours. The differ-
ence between GAWSER LIQ_WTR_REL and LIQ_WTR_REL is caused either by the different
computation methods used by Object-GAWSER and the Fortran version of GAWSER or the differ-
ent predictions of LWCAP made by Object-GAWSER and the Fortran version of GAWSER. In the
Time (h)
Figure 36. Behavior of the liquid water released from the snowpack. GAWSER
LIQ_WTR_REL and LIQ_WTR_REL are almost identical for the entire simulation
period. LIQ_WTR_REL is less than GAWSER LIQ_WTR_REL from 41 to 43 hours
and from 60 to 71 hours. LIQ_WTR_REL is greater than GAWSER LIQ_WTR_REL
from 84 to 86 hours. The difference between GAWSER LIQ_WTR_REL and
LIQ_WTR_REL from 41 to 43 hours and from 84 to 86 hours is due to either compu-
tational differences between Object-GAWSER and the Fortran version of GAWSER
or differences between Object-GAWSER and the Fortran version's prediction of