Time (h)
Figure 44. Behavior of percolation. GAWSER_P and P are nearly identical until
46 hours when GAWSER_P begins to increase more rapidly than P. The divergence
between GAWSER_P and P beginning at 46 hours is due to the divergence between
SA_II and GAWSER_SA_II at 46 hours (see Fig. 43) because SA_II and
GAWSER_SA_II are used to calculate P (eq 37) and GAWSER P (eq A.20 in Schro-
eter 1989) respectively.
difference between E and GAWSER_E (see Fig. 39). E decrements SA_II (see Fig. 18) and is less
than GAWSER_E shortly before 45 hours; therefore, SA_II should be greater than GAWSER SA_II
after 45 hours.
Figure 44 shows the differences and similarities between P and GAWSER P. Please note that P is
also considered interflow in the GAWSER manual (Schroeter 1989). P and GAWSER_P are identi-
cal until 45 hours when GAWSER_P begins to increase slightly more than P. The difference between
P and GAWSER_P is due to the difference between SA_II and GAWSER_SA_II since SA_II is used
to calculate P (eq 37).
Routing results
The following figures compare the behavior of the GAWSER and Object-GAWSER linear reser-
voir, lag and route, and Muskingum structures. GAWSER and Object-GAWSER outputs were gener-
ated with inputs from a modified version of Lesson 3* not contained in the GAWSER manual. The
variable called "hyd 223" represents the inflow hydrograph to the GAWSER structures. Other vari-
ables beginning with the letters "hyd" represent outflow hydrographs from the GAWSER structures.
All other variables represent the inflow and outflow hydrographs for the Object-GAWSER struc-
Figure 45 shows the behavior of an Object-GAWSER linear reservoir relative to a GAWSER
linear reservoir. INFLOW_5 and hyd 223 represent the inflow into each linear reservoir, while OUT-
FLOW_5 and hyd 823 represent outflow from each linear reservoir. INFLOW_5 and hyd 223 are
identical while OUTFLOW_5 and hyd 823 are also identical; therefore, the Object-GAWSER linear
reservoir directly replicates the GAWSER linear reservoir.
Figure 46 shows the behavior of the lag and route structure in Object-GAWSER. INFLOW_2 and
hyd223 represent inflow to each lag and route structure while OUTFLW_2_LAG and hyd 825 repre-
sent the outflow from each lag and route structure. INFLOW_2 and hyd 223 are identical, while
OUTFL_2_LAG and hyd 825 are also identical; therefore, the Object-GAWSER lag and route struc-
ture directly replicates the GAWSER lag and route structure.
* H.O. Schroeter, Schroeter and Associates, Guelph, Ontario, unpublished memorandum, 1994.