Table 1. Work responsibili-
mechanical strength. Consequently, some effort
was shifted from solely developing a cryogenic test
method to developing pore size distributions, mois-
Module MDOT
ture absorptions and crushing strength data. The
cryogenic freezethaw tests were conducted on the
20 aggregate specimens, but funding limitations
allowed us to use only 10 specimens for the remain-
ing tests.
Test materials
The overall project consisted of six modules to
The materials were obtained from 20 sources in
be completed over 2 years. Table 1 lists the respon-
Michigan, consisting of gravel, quarried stone and
sible party for each module, for which a brief
blast furnace slag. The materials came to CRREL in
description is given below.
two shipments of 10 samples each. Table 2 provides
Module I--compare the freezethaw performance
of concrete to the moisture gain of aggregates test-
thaw results from conventional tests.
ed according to the Iowa Pore Index Test. The Iowa
test measures the amount of water injected into
graphic analyses of 300 aggregate particles ob-
aggregate during the first 15 minutes at 35 lb/in.2
tained from material retained on each of four sieves
from 3 4 in. to no. 4 (4.75 to 19 mm). Freezethaw
(241 kPa).
Module II--test aggregates for differences in ab-
results were obtained from a set of nine concrete
sorbed moisture under field and laboratory condi-
beams containing approximately 7% air. All were
tions to develop a standard moisture conditioning
made with vacuum-saturated aggregate, except for
procedure for future laboratory testing.
the beams made with the slag aggregate, which was
Module III--test moisture gain in aggregates con-
soaked in water for 24 hours. Expansion readings
ditioned at 100% relative humidity for up to 1 year.
represent the average percentage length change for
This module extends data developed in module II.
the set of nine concrete beams per 100 freezing and
Module IV--evaluate the freezethaw durability
thawing cycles. The calculated equivalent durabil-
of concrete subjected to conventional testing vs.
ity factor is based on beam expansion after 300
aggregates subjected to cryogenic frost cycling.
freezethaw cycles.
Module V--evaluate the effect of using 15.2-
MDOT considers concrete beams to be frost dam-
15.2- 40.6-cm concrete beams and 5. l-cm nominal
aged when their length has increased 0.10% or
maximum-size aggregates as opposed to 7.6- 10.2-
when their calculated equivalent durability factor
40.6-cm beams and 2.5-cm nominal maximum-
reduces to below 70% after 300 freezethaw cycles.
size aggregates in conventional freezethaw test-
Table 2 shows that nine aggregates (3595, 3990,
3035, 4206, 3992, 3791, 3989, 3593, and 3991) pro-
Module VI--summarize all testing in a report.
duced less durable concrete when evaluated by
either the length-change percent or the calculated
equivalent durability factor, but that three more
(4015, 4141 and 4033) produce less durable concrete
This report gives the module IV findings, which
by only the calculated equivalent durability factor.
compare results of the CRREL rapid freezethaw
In general, aggregates with poor laboratory per-
test to the MDOT results from concrete beams
tested in the conventional manner.
material while good performers were dominated
The original intent of CRREL's module IV was to
by igneous material.
develop a cryogenic freezethaw test procedure
that would somehow rank the 20 aggregates from
Cryogenic testing
Perhaps the most realistic way to test aggregate
best to worst based on freezethaw performance.
is to embed it in mortar and to subject it to the
We later modified this plan during the early stages
identical wetting and freezing conditions experi-
of testing when we realized that determining how
the freezing of interstitial water affects aggregate
enced by concrete in the field. In this manner stress-
es from ice buildup within discrete particles of
aggregate and those from water escaping from the
genic results. The main expectation was that dura-
aggregate into the surrounding paste model those
bility would be controlled by pore structure and