Piyush K. Dutta PhD
U S Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Rd.
Hanover, NH 03755
From: Steve Kulp
Northstar Vinyl Products, LLC
225 TownPark Dr.
Suite 300
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Study of Vinyl Sheet Piles for Long-term Applications
Thank you for allowing Northstar to contribute data and information for your study of vinyl
sheet piling. We will attempt to provide answers to your initial questionnaire and samples of
weathered sheet pile, exposed to the elements in both a Northern climate (Michigan) as well as a
Southern climate (Florida). These samples will date back to between 1992 and 1994. We will also
send both 100% virgin resin samples as well as the more economical, recycled resin sheets.
Northstar Vinyl Products, LLC
Northstar Vinyl Sheet Pile
Series 8000i, 4000i, 3100c, and 2550c.
Raw materials
Our PVC material is primarily postindustrial re-grind resins, meeting the criteria for "external
grade" PVC, which includes UV inhibitors and impact modifiers.
This resin formulation meets the ASTM D 4216-87 standard cell classification for
weatherable compounds. We require written confirmation from our PVC vendors that the scrap
we purchase meets this standard. We then visually inspect the materials upon delivery and depend
on our experience to recognize the product scraps as weatherable. (Our extrusion operation has
been in business since 1952).
Upon producing the initial run of sheet pile, we subject it to ASTM D 4226 and D 256-00
impact testing which quickly tells us that our material is of the proper cell classification.
The manufacturing process
4.1 Our process begins with the selection and purchase of "external grade" vinyl scraps
generated as post industrial waste from the PVC building products industry. Our plant purchasing
representative first visits the vendors, screens their raw material paperwork to insure that their