Figure 5. Locations where soil and water samples were collected at the artillery range at Fort Lewis, Wash-
samples were collected as deemed appropriate. Five
The collection bottle was rinsed three times with deion-
areas were sampled using the wheel sampling scheme
ized water between samplings. The subsamples were
described earlier. Some of the areas that were sampled
distributed as follows: two 1-L samples for explosives,
using this approach were centered over a crater and
a 500-mL sample for nitrate/nitrite, total organic car-
some were between craters. A total of 70 samples was
bon, total iron, calcium, magnesium, and manganese,
and a 100-mL sample for sulfate and chloride. Seepage
collected within the artillery impact area.
areas were sampled by placing the sample container
Groundwater sampling from
into the stream of discharge. Field parameters were
monitoring wells and seeps
measured with a hand-held monitoring unit (Horiba
U10, Horiba Instruments, Irvine, California). Field para-
Water samples were collected at Fort Lewis from
(DO), and temperature. Samples were obtained when
MW7) and five seeps (A1ASPO1A1ASPO5, Fig. 5)
consecutive DO readings were within 10 percent of each
on 27 and 28 August 2000. The wells were sampled by
other. The samples were split by ERDC-EL personnel,
micropurge (low-flow) techniques using a low-flow
one aliquot of each sample going to the contract labo-
ratory, and the second going to ERDC-CRREL. Three
tubing. Tubing was dedicated to each well to prevent
contaminant carryover from one well to the next. The
of the samples were also split and sent to the analytical
sampling pump was decontaminated between wells by
chemistry laboratory at ERDC-EL.
purging with a mild detergent and clean water. Sam-
ples from each location were collected in a single 4-L
brown glass bottle, thoroughly mixed, and subdivided
into separate bottles already containing appropriate pre-
servatives for the specific analyses (see analytical chem-
United States Army Garrison Alaska consists of the
istry below). Samples for explosives were preserved
three posts of Fort Richardson (Anchorage), Fort Wain-
with 1.2 g of NaHSO4 to 1 L water (Jenkins et al. 1995).
wright (Fairbanks), and Fort Greely (Delta Junction).
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