Both Pipes Heated, approx. 150F
Both Pipes Heated, approx. 230F
8 in. Pipe Heated, approx. 150F
8 in. Pipe Heated, approx. 230F
Rayleigh Number
Figure 25. Nusselt and Rayleigh number plot for the 2-ft 4-ft enclosure
(experimental data).
There is significant difference in the curve shapes between the two-pipe heat-
ing conditions. This may be due to more stratification of the air in the bottom of
the enclosure combined with a larger temperature difference compared to the single
heated pipe configuration; this affects the heat conductance (h) in the Nusselt num-
ber. Comparing Nusselt numbers for the bottom surfaces (App. A), it can be seen
that there is a greater change for two heated pipes compared to the single heated
pipe. This observation also explains the curved shape of the Nu-Ra number data
obtained with numerical data discussed in the next section.
Numerical data
The finite-element computer program FECOME, described earlier, was used to
obtain additional heat transfer data from numerical experiments. The objective of
the numerical experiments was to extend the database of enclosure configurations
and boundary conditions, and to make comparisons with the physical experiments.
The numerical experiments allowed calculations to be made without radiation
Figure 26 shows one of the meshes used
for the uninsulated 4-in. pipe in the 1-ft 1-
ft enclosure. It has the same internal dimen-
sions as the experimental apparatus, includ-
ing the 0.5-in. layer of EPS insulation
enclosing the cavity of air. Temperatures
around the outside of the insulation were
held constant and the surface representing
the outer diameter of the pipe was held at a
series of temperatures. Increasing Rayleigh
number values were obtained by decreasing
the outside boundary temperatures in 5- or
10-degree increments until FECOME was no
Figure 26. Mesh for the 1-ft 1-ft
longer able to converge to a solution. A small
temperature change in boundary condi-
enclosure with a 4-in. pipe (3,552
tions, and the use of a previous solution as
nodes, 1,152 elements, 10,848 d.o.f.).
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