a. Chunkwood fill.
b. USDA Forest Service wood chunker.
Figure 8. Chunkwood.
Tire chips
easily by construction trafficking and provided a
The tire chips were produced by shredding car
good wear surface.
and truck tires until they passed a 5-cm (2-in.)
screen. There was a significant amount of bead
steel mixed with the tire chips. The tire chips had
The slash was produced by first felling trees,
a density of approximately 643 kg/m3 (40 lb/
loading them in trucks, and delivering them to
ft3). The bulking factor appeared to be low. The
the test sections. Trees with diameters less than
tire chips did not appear to compact significantly;
20 cm (8 in.) were used on the slope. The maxi-
the surface remained springy even after several
mum diameter used for other test sections was
passes of a D7 bulldozer.
approximately 8 cm (3 in.). A variety of species
were used.
Slash was transported to the sloped trail test
The gravel was obtained from a stockpile at
section in 5-ton dump trucks as whole trees. The
Fort McCoy. It is used for their conventional gravel
trees were then cut up by chainsaws so they could
roads. The gravel had a density of approximately
be moved by hand and placed on the trail gener-
1922 kg/m3 (120 lb/ft3). The gravel compacted
ally perpendicular to the direction of travel. The