In fact, various mechanisms may dominate under
different conditions or even during different stages
of sintering under given conditions. Mechanisms
Alley, R.B., J.F. Bolzan, and I.W. Whillans (1982)
based on the concave curvature could dominate
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during the early phases when sintering is most
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rapid, because microphotographs are not yet
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based on the imbalance of forces that occurs in
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sion on Snow and Ice of the International Associa-
assume a very small angle between the ice grains,
tion of Scientific Hydrology (available from World
this would cause a large grain-boundary drag,
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which would lead to continuous reconfiguration
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until the equilibrium condition is established.
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nately, the values for the diffusivities are still un-
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certain for ice, so it is not possible to calculate
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processes. Furthermore, in seasonal snow covers
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