with ship transits varied from 5,200 to 10,000 cubic
In 1979 the same measurements were made as
yards per ship passage and averaged 7,230 cubic
during 1978 except that a substantial effort was
yards. The maximum was approximately 40,000
applied to measuring the flow distribution around
cubic yards per passage. In the model study the
Sugar Island. The winter measurements were taken
average was 16,100 cubic yards. In terms of the
from 27 February to 3 March 1979, and the data
dimensionless parameter Ar/b2 (area of ice re-
revealed that 67% of the flow went through Little
leased per gap width squared), the average ice
Rapids Cut and 33% of the flow went through
release values are 2.9, 4.3, 2.2 and 3.0 for the four
the North (Lake George) Channel. Summer flow
winters studied (Perham 1985).
measurements were taken from 13 June to 16 June
1979, and the data showed that 71% went down
Little Rapids Cut and 29% went down the North
Reference measurements
The following information is a summary of data
Channel. The flow distribution measurements
obtained by the Detroit District to monitor the
during the winter periods indicate that the vari-
ice boom performance and its effect on levels and
ance of 5% is within the obtainable accuracy range
flows. The primary survey of ice conditions and
for this type of measurement, and therefore no
water levels for the Navigation Season Extension
significant change (effect of the ice boom on river
Demonstration program was conducted by the
flows) is evident (USACE 1980).
U.S. Army Engineer District, Detroit, and consisted
Although the Winter Navigation program
ended after the 1978-79 winter season, it was de-
Field observations using three time-lapse
cided to continue installing the ice boom as part
movie cameras;
of the Soo Area Office, Detroit District regular
Aerial photography of the entire St. Marys
winter operation. The boom system has been of
River but with somewhat greater empha-
value in stabilizing the ice cover in Soo Harbor,
sis on Soo Harbor;
reducing the extent of ice accumulation in Little
Monitoring of water levels in Soo Harbor
Rapids Cut and reducing the amount of ice in
and Little Rapids Cut;
the Sugar Island ferry crossing. These benefits
Discharge measurements taken in the two
occur whether there is winter navigation or not,
channels around Sugar Island to determine
as the harbor ice usually breaks up due to wind
the effect of the ice boom on flow distribu-
and weather several times a year.
tion; and
By lessening the possibility of ice jams in the
Ice thickness measurements throughout the
Cut, the boom has decreased the chances of flood-
winter above and below the boom.
ing in Soo Harbor along with possible power losses
From this information one can tell when the
at the hydropower plants. By reducing the ad-
ice cover began, its area and extent during the
verse effects of natural ice conditions on the Sugar
winter, and some information about the ice edge
Island ferry, it has contributed to more reliable
location in Little Rapids Cut. Some conclusions
transportation between Sugar Island and the
reached during 1978 are:
The ice boom helps maintain a fairly stable
ice cover on Soo Harbor, similar to before
Port Huron
winter navigation began, by retaining the
During 1979 a study was initiated to provide
ice that might otherwise move down into
the necessary criteria for the detailed design of
Little Rapids Cut.
an ice control structure at Port Huron (Fig. 21),
Ice in Little Rapids Cut is a major factor in
with the major criteria being structural configu-
retarding flow between Soo Harbor and Fre-
ration and forces. The main problem was that ice
chette Point, but the quantity of ice and
leaves Lake Huron via the St. Clair River, which
degree of retardation do not directly cor-
is typically ice free, and passes through to Lake
St. Clair, which is usually ice covered. The mov-
The rock-filled scow and crane weights
ing ice accumulates in this stagnant reach just north
proved effective in anchoring the Soo Har-
of Lake St. Clair and often forms deep jams. Two
bor ice field to shore.
physical models were employed: one to evaluate
Ice jamming in and below Little Rapids Cut
hydraulic conditions, the other to evaluate the
is believed to be due to large open-water
effects of wind.
areas in the Cut, frazil ice and heavy snow-
The hydraulic model study used Froude scal-
fall (USACE 1978).
ing with an undistorted geometric scale of 1:85