Permafrost Formation TimeOrigin and existence of permafrostFigure 1. Paleotemperature variationsFigure 4. Permafrost surface paleotemperature model for Prudhoe Bay, AlaskaFigure 7. Mean paleotemperature departure, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, during one glacial cycleTHEORY - CR95_080013Heterogenetic freeze relationsHeterogenetic freeze relations-continue - CR95_080015Heterogenetic freeze relations-continue - CR95_080016Heterogenetic model verificationEffect of quaternary freezethaw cyclesSyngenetic growth of permafrostFigure 14. Coordinate system for stationary upper surfaceDISCUSSION - CR95_080021Figure 15. Formation time of permafrost, saturated mineral soils, φ = 0, ε = 0.4Figure 17. Formation time of permafrost, saturated mineral soils, φ = 0, ε = 0.3Table 3. Paleotemperature scenarios, Prudhoe Bay, AlaskaPrudhoe Bay, AlaskaDeep permafrostCONCLUSIONS - CR95_080027LITERATURE CITED - CR95_080028APPENDIX A: SOIL PROPERTIES AND RATIOSNonsaturated soilAPPENDIX B: QUATERNARY CYCLIC THERMAL MODULATIONFreeze of cooled soilFreeze of cooled soil-continueAPPENDIX C: HEAT BALANCE INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR SYNGENETIC PERMAFROST GROWTHAPPENDIX C: HEAT BALANCE INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR SYNGENETIC PERMAFROST GROWTH-continuePhase change model verificationTable C1. Comparison of closed solution (G = 0) and numerical quadrature (G = 0.0001)Phase change model verification-continueAPPENDIX D: ENERGY FLOWS AT THE PERMAFROST BASEChange in frozen zone temperature gradient at bottom of permafrostBottom meltTable D5. Permafrost Thickness after thawAPPENDIX E: FORTRAN PROGRAMS FOR NUMERICAL QUADRATURE OF ENERGY EQUATIONAPPENDIX E: FORTRAN PROGRAMS FOR NUMERICAL QUADRATURE OF ENERGY EQUATION-continuedProgram PFTSYNProgram PFTSYN-continue - CR95_080046Program PFTSYN-continue - CR95_080047Program PFTSYN-continue - CR95_080048Report Documentation Page - CR95_080049CR95_08