TNT was found at high concentrations (ppm level). In general, except in Jimmy Lake,
the soil, the vegetation, the surface water, and the sediment are of excellent quality.
No action is required on any site except to continue to clean and manage the sites the
way it is actually done. Metal concentrations in Jimmy Lake Range, in the bombing
area are especially high. Although, most of them did not exceed the ISQG criteria,
many of the results are higher than the ASQG. As already mentioned, legally, no
action is required, since the site will not be used for agriculture, but will continue to
be used for target practice. The most important results will come from the
hydrogeological study. Nevertheless, to exercise due diligence, removing soil from
the bombing area and send it to a secure landfill will solve this problem for a very
long time.
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204