Shaver River sample at three time the CCME criterion. Concentrations of all the other
parameters were lower than the CCME criteria, except for one sample in Jimmy Lake
where silver was detected at 5 times the CCME criterion. During Phase I, silver was
also detected in Jimmy Lake. We have no explanation for this anomaly. No other
samples in Jimmy Lake demonstrated the presence of silver. In general, the quality of
the surface water is excellent in both lakes.
4.6 Remote Areas
Two days were needed to visit and sample 6 sites in the remote areas. The first visited
site was C-295, a very wet airstrip where wooden targets were disposed (Fig. 10).
Surface water could only be sampled by standing on the Heli-skids at this site. No
energetic materials are used in the remote areas, so most of the analyses were done to
determine only metal concentrations. Most of the sites were highly vegetated and very
wet. Efforts were made to collect soil, vegetation and water when possible at each
site. The second site was C-284 where old oil wells were used as laser pointing targets
(Fig. 11). In this site, two big metal reservoirs and four oil rigs were located. Two
surface water samples were collected in holes; 4 vegetation and 4 soil samples were
collected around the two reservoirs, in the middle of the range and also around the oil
wells. The third site was C-314, which was a small island used as a target in
Primerose Lake. In the middle of the island, soil and vegetation samples were
collected around a small wooden target and also in the areas right and left of the target
(Fig. 24). Three vegetation samples and 2 soil samples were collected and were
named A, B and C respectively, B being around the wooden target. The fourth site
was A-387, another airstrip with a wooden target where planes coming from the lake
aimed at the target. In this site, we collected only four vegetation samples in circles A,
B, C and D respectively, B being around the target (Fig. 25). The second day, we
visited site F-332, a small hill surrounded by a lake (Fig. 26). Much rocket debris was
seen at this site. Two vegetation and 2 soil samples were taken on the left and right
sides of the area pictured (Fig 26). Just beside site F-332, a minute flight away, we
landed to collect two water samples in the airstrip. The last visited site was E-301.
This site was new, had never been used before and was highly vegetated. We sampled
around two intact wooden targets at this site (Fig. 27). Samples A, B were collected
beside the helicopter and C a little farther away. Three vegetation samples and 3 soil
samples were collected in A, B and C. One surface water sample was collected in a
small river surrounding the site. These samples were considered background.
Some parameters exceeded the BGL and are in blue in Table II A, B, and C. Of the 20
parameters analysed, only Co, Cu, Pb, Sr, and V were detected at values higher than
the BGL in some samples collected in remote areas. No parameters were detected at
values higher than the ASQG or the ISQG. Samples collected in site C-284, where the
old oil rigs were located, showed the highest number of blue values, but these
concentrations were nevertheless quite low. Clearly, the quality of the soils in the
remote areas is highly comparable to background showing that the activities have a
very limited effect on these environments. No action is required on these sites.
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204