Some parameters exceeded the BGL and are in blue in Table III. Of the 27 parameters
analysed, only Al, As, Ba, Cd, Fe, Pb,Mn and Zn exceeded the BGL. The parameters
that exceeded the BGL in vegetation samples were not the same as the ones that
exceeded the BGL in soils. Nevertheless, the accumulation of these metals was not
extensive. Most of the concentrations were very close to the BGL indicating that the
vegetation is not very contaminated.
Surface water
Nine surface water samples including 2 duplicates were analysed for metal. All the
concentrations were compared to CCME aquatic life in freshwater criteria when it
was available or to the CCME drinking or irrigation criteria as stated in Table IV A,
B, C and D. When higher than the CCME criteria, concentrations were highlighted in
red. On some occasions, the CCME criteria was expressed as an interval of values. In
these instances, when the considered parameter was within this interval, the
concentration was highlighted in green.
Out of the 30 parameters measured in surface water samples, only Al, Cd, Cu, Fe,
Mn, Se and Zn exceeded the CCME threshold criteria. For aluminum, most of the
samples showed concentrations higher than the interval of the CCME criterion. High
levels of aluminum and arsenic are not unusual in western water bodies as previously
mentioned. Cadmium concentrations were observed in 3 water samples mainly in C-
295, the first site visited. Copper and iron were found at high concentrations in almost
all samples; however, only one or 2 samples showed concentrations higher than the
CCME criteria for Mn, Se and Zn.
4.7 Global Results in all Ranges
Generally, the levels of metals in soils in all of the ranges were quite low. Most of the
metal exceedances were close to the BGL concentrations. Furthermore,
concentrations were typically far below the ASQG or the ISQG. Some metals that
were systematically present at high concentrations, such as cadmium, copper and
zinc, can be related to firing activities. Compared to results obtained during Phase I,
fewer metals exceeded the ISQG in Phase II. Exemples of exceedance include
antimony in Shaver River Range and cadmium in Jimmy Lake Range. The fact that
metals concentrations were low in the ranges is the direct result of good management
of the sites performed at Cold Lake. During both visits in August 2002 and 2003, the
sites were clear of debris and of large pieces of metal. Furthermore, often when we
arrived on site, thes ranges had been freshly tilled. Even if the sites are often tilled,
the results from Phase I and Phase II are comparable, revealing the same tendencies in
the two consecutive years. In general, the removal of metals, which is performed on a
regular basis, is an excellent practice and makes a significant contribution to
environmental stewardship.
When the ranges are compared, the conclusions drawn from Phase I results are still
good. Jimmy Lake Range is still the most contaminated site by metals; Bravo Range
is less contaminated than Alpha Range; and Shaver River Range is also less
contaminated than Alpha Range. In Shaver River Range, fewer metals were detected
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204