2000 during the field exercise clearly show that this
tration within an order of magnitude of the expected or
approach to estimating TPH requires further develop-
certified value. This same level of data quality, how-
ment. Indeed, because of the instrumental complica-
ever, was not consistently achieved with the HM 2000,
tions with both the HM 2000 and HM 2010, no TPH
which reported two false negative values and one that
values were reported during the technology demonstra-
was greater than the expected value by more than order
tion, and many of the measurements had to be made
off-site. Overall, because of the instrumental failures,
and the false negative values, the HM 2000 method of
analysis was found to be less reliable and less accurate
than the visual method.
ASTM (1998) Standard guide for sampling waste and
soils for volatile organic compounds. D 4547-98.
American Society for Testing and Materials.
California Environmental Protection Agency (1998)
The planning for this technology demonstration
Performance-based certification of hazardous waste
began only about 2 months before the actual field exer-
measurement and monitoring technologies, September.
cise. This short timetable limited the amount of over-
sight that was possible. By far the largest problem stem-
Hanby, J.D. (1998) Colorimetric determination of aro-
ming from this short planning period was the lack of a
matic compounds in soil and water using solvent ex-
thorough evaluation of a reference laboratory prior to
traction and Friedel-Crafts reaction (Hanby Method).
its selection. Failure to use a laboratory with a current
In Current Protocols in Field Analytical Chemistry. John
state certification to perform TPH analyses of environ-
Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 2D.1.12D.1.8
mental matrices, and one that lacked the proper docu-
Hewitt, A.D. (1997) Chemical preservation of volatile
mentation of its standard operating procedures for this
organic compounds in soil. Environmental Science and
Technology, 31: 6770.
data established for the field samples. Furthermore, the
Hewitt, A.D., T.F. Jenkins, and C.L. Grant (1995)
reference laboratory failed to produce properly labeled
Collection, handling, and storage: Keys to improved
chromatograms that perhaps could have been used to
data quality for volatile organic compounds in soil.
subjectively qualify suspect results. The large number
American Environmental Laboratory, 7(1): 258.
of QA samples included in this study, however, could
be used to judge performance, since they either had cer-
waste, vol. 1B. SW-846 (Third Update). Washington,
tified or expected values, and the matrices chosen for
DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
creating the matrix spike samples were determined to
U.S. EPA (1993) The vadose zone, field screening and
be relatively clean.
analytical methods. In Subsurface characterization and
The performance of three different methods of mea-
monitoring techniques: A desk reference guide, vol. 2.
suring the Friedel-Crafts reaction products, produced
EPA/625/R-93/003. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Center for Environmental Research Informa-
and for providing accurate and precise TPH concentra-
tion, Cincinnati, Ohio, pp. 1047.
tions in environmental matrices. The HM 2010, which
U.S. EPA (1997) Expedited site assessment tools for
is designed to measure the transmission of light (via
underground storage tank sites: A guide for regulators.
reflectance) through the colored catalyst, failed to pro-
In Solid waste and emergency response. Chapter VI,
duce reliable TPH concentrations and requires further
Field methods for the analysis of petroleum hydrocar-
development before formal testing. The HM 2000,
bons, colorimetric test kits. EPA 510-B-97-001. U.S.
which measures reflectance over the entire visible spec-
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Under-
trum, experienced two instrumental failures during the
ground Storage Tanks, Washington, D.C., pp. 1317.
field exercise, and, therefore, is not currently capable
U.S. Navy (1999) Technology demonstration plan:
of routine use. The visual method of analysis, although
Hanby Hydrocarbon Test Kit. Naval Facilities Engi-
subjective, was found to be reliable for the identifica-
neering Service Center, Port Hueneme, California, No.