The United States Army (Army) completed a
Although this Proposed Plan identifies a pre-
Remedial Investigation (RI) at OU-C to provide
ferred alternative for the Eagle River Flats (ERF)
site, a final decision will not be made until the
information regarding the nature and extent of
public comment period ends and all comments
are reviewed and considered. The public is
baseline Human Health Risk Assessment and
encouraged to review and comment on all alter-
Ecological Risk Assessment were developed and
natives presented in this Proposed Plan.
used in conjunction with the RI to determine the
Documents produced under the Comprehensive
need for remedial action and to aid in the selec-
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabil-
tion of remedies. A Feasibility Study was com-
ity Act (CERCLA), such as the Ecological Risk
pleted to evaluate remedial options.
Assessment (ERA), Remedial Investigation (RI),
and Feasibility Study (FS), were prepared in coor-
Statement of basis and purpose
This Record of Decision (ROD) presents the
Group (BTAG). The BTAG consists of individuals
selected remedial actions for Operable Unit C
from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
(OU-C), which consists of two source areas: the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic
Eagle River Flats (ERF) and the former Open
and Atmospheric Administration, and EPA.
Burning/Open Detonation (OB/OD) Pad. This
The two sites in OU-C are the former Open
ROD was developed in accordance with the Com-
Burning/Open Detonation (OB/OD) Pad and
prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
ERF, an ordnance impact area. Site investigations
and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) as amended by
performed at the OB/OD Pad indicate that the
the Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza-
tion Act of 1986; 42 United States Code 9601 et seq.,
human health or the environment and do not
and, to the extent practicable, the National Oil
require cleanup action. Therefore, except for
institutional controls, no cleanup action is rec-
gency Plan (NCP), 40 Code of Federal Regulations
ommended for the OB/OD Pad.
300 et seq. This decision is based on the Adminis-
Site investigations performed at ERF found
trative Record for OU-C.
that white phosphorus particles were causing
The Army, the United States Environmental
waterfowl deaths. Results were used to identify
Protection Agency (EPA), and the State of Alaska,
18 ponds for cleanup. The preferred cleanup
through the Alaska Department of Environmen-
alternative for ERF includes a combination of 1)
tal Conservation (ADEC), have agreed to the
monitoring waterfowl use, the presence of con-
selected remedies.
tamination, the changing physical conditions at
contaminated ponds at ERF; and 2) temporarily
Assessment of the site
draining contaminated ponds with pumps fol-
Actual or threatened releases of hazardous
lowed by application of a cap-and-fill material
substances resulting from white phosphorus con-
where contamination remains.
tamination of the ERF source area of OU-C, if not
addressed by implementing the response actions
selected in this ROD, may present an imminent or
CH2M Hill (1998) Record of Decision for Opera-
substantial threat to public health, public welfare,
ble Unit C, Fort Richardson, Alaska. Contract
or the environment. ERF is contaminated with
Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska
white phosphorus particles.
District, and U.S. Army, Alaska. September.
This Decision Summary provides an overview
Description of the selected remedy
Fort Richardson Operable Unit C (OU-C) source
OU-C is the third OU to reach the final-action
area. This summary describes the physical features
List site. This ROD addresses sediment contami-
ciated risks to human health and the environment.
nation at the ERF source area of OU-C.
The summary also describes the remedial alterna-
No further action is selected for the former
tives considered at OU-C; provides the rationale
OB/OD Pad for hazardous chemicals. Because of
for the remedial actions selected; and states how
concerns about potential human exposure to
the remedial actions satisfy the Comprehensive
unexploded ordnance, the Army has institutional
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabil-
controls that provide monitoring and control of
ity Act of 1980 statutory requirements.
access to the site. These controls are required to
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