ceed with clean closure in accordance with the
requirements in the closure guidance from Title
The detailed evaluation, including in Appen-
40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 264. The
dices A and B, is based on data obtained from
U.S. Army Alaska may consider the use of the
the RI and is consistent with the conceptual
ERF dredge spoils as cap material.
site models (CSMs) presented in sections 5
and 6 and current USEPA guidance on
Organization of report
baseline risk assessments.
The organization and content of this RI report
Section 9, Conclusion and Recommendations,
are described as follows:
summarizes the findings presented in sec-
Section 1, Introduction, briefly describes
tions 4 through 8, including the nature and
where the RI fits in the CERCLA process and
summarizes the purpose and objectives of
and transport, and the risk assessment. Con-
the RI. Included are a brief history of OUC
taminants of concern are identified and rec-
source areas and other relevant background
ommendations for further monitoring or
remediation are presented.
Section 2, Environmental Setting, describes the
Section 10, Preliminary Remediation Goals, out-
lines the general and specific objectives for
physical and ecological features of OUC,
OUC remediation. Discussions of contamin-
including location, climate, geology, soils,
ation hot spot identification and verification
hydrology, aquatic and terrestrial ecology,
of remedial success also are presented. The
and military and civilian land use.
Section 3, Review of Studies, provides a chron-
discussions will form the basis for the subse-
quent FS.
ological summary of investigations at ERF,
Section 11, Works Cited, lists all references
including a discussion of sampling location,
cited in the RI report.
number, and type; laboratory analytical
Appendices contain the following reports and
methods; and quality assurance (QA)/qual-
ity control (QC) measures.
supporting data:
Section 4, Nature and Extent of Contamination,
Appendix A, Ecological Risk Assessment.
presents the results of the sampling and
Appendix B, Human Health Risk Assess-
analysis for WP in ERF (water, soil, and sedi-
Appendix C, Site Studies for Chemicals other
Section 5, Conceptual Site Model, presents the
than White Phosphorus.
conceptual model for ERF, identifying the
Appendix D, Quality Assurance Audits.
sources of contamination when possible,
Appendix E, OB/OD Pad Site Investigation
contaminant characteristics and release
mechanisms, and environmental fate and
Appendix F, Response to Comments.
transport pathways. The conceptual model
is based on data obtained from the RF, previ-
CH2M Hill (1998) Proposed Plan for Cleanup
ous studies, and relevant technical literature.
Action at Operable Unit C, Fort Richardson,
Section 6, OB/OD Pad, presents information
Alaska. Contract Report to U.S. Army Corps of
on historical use of OB/OD Pad and a dis-
Engineers, Alaska District, and U.S. Army, Alaska,
cussion of the 1996 site investigation, includ-
ing sampling logic, locations, sample collec-
This Proposed Plan presents cleanup alterna-
tion, laboratory analytical methods, QA/QC
tives for Operable Unit C (OU-C) at Fort Richard-
procedures, and results of the sampling and
son near Anchorage, Alaska. These alternatives
are being considered by the U.S. Army, the Alaska
tual site model based on results of the site in-
Department of Environmental Conservation
vestigation is also presented for OB/OD
(ADEC), and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). The Army, ADEC, and EPA are
Section 7, Comparison of ARARs, summarizes
soliciting comments from the public on the infor-
chemical- and location-specific ARARs per-
mation and proposed cleanup actions discussed
tinent to ERF and OB/OD Pad.
in this document. For your convenience, this Pro-
Section 8, Baseline Risk Assessment, presents a
posed Plan contains as alphabetical glossary of
summary of the evaluation of the threat to
terms that defines the words and abbreviations
human health and the environment as a
printed in bold italic type.
to contents
to index