be planned and completed as required by CERCLA
CERCLA requires that Federal facilities investi-
according to the term specific in the FFA.
gate and clean up contaminated sites according to
The Eagle River Flats (ERF) area of Fort Richard-
specific interagency agreements. The U.S. Army
son has been investigated over the past several
is currently negotiating a Federal Facility Agree-
ment (FFA) with USEPA and the Alaskan Depart-
substances from past practices and will be includ-
ment of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) for
ed in the upcoming FFA. The ERF has been used as
Fort Richardson. The purpose of the FFA is to
the primary ordnance impact area for Fort Rich-
ensure that environmental impacts associated
ardson since the middle to late 1940s. It is also an
with a site are thoroughly investigated and
extremely productive wetland area and serves as
remediated. Work at a Department of Defense
an important staging and feeding ground for
NPL site that is carried out under the Installation
waterfowl during spring and fall migrations.
Eagle River, which winds through the ERF area,
pleted as required by CERCLA according to the
maintains spawning runs of chinook, coho, and
terms specified in the FFA.
pink salmon. Past investigations at the ERF have
The ERF site of Fort Richardson is one area that
focused on identifying the cause or causes of
has been investigated under the IRP and is in-
abnormally high waterfowl deaths, including
cluded in the upcoming FFA. A QAPP is typically
those of at least 10 swans, that have been observed
required for environmental sampling and analy-
in the ERF area since 1982.
sis programs conducted under CERCLA or the
In preparation for future additional CERCLA
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
investigations and potential remedial activities to
Individual projects may have a specific Quality
be conducted at the ERF, the U.S. Army Corps of
Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that accompanies
Engineers, on behalf of the U.S. Army, is preparing
a project-specific field sampling plan (FSP).
a Comprehensive Evaluation Report (CER) that
will summarize and evaluate the existing infor-
Scope and organization of ERF field QAPP
mation obtained from various studies and
During 1994, a number of investigations will
investigations at the site. A discussion of potential
be conducted at ERF by CRREL and its subcon-
applicable or relevant and appropriate require-
tracted agencies. This QAPP describes the
ments (ARARs) is presented in this document to
planned objectives of the 1994 field investiga-
assist decision makers in planning for future feasi-
tions, the data required to meet these objectives,
bility studies, remedial design, and remedial
and the procedures that will be followed to obtain
action for the ERF.
the data. The QAPP may detail sampling loca-
tions, sampling procedures, and analytical meth-
CH2M Hill (1994) Eagle River Flats. Quality
ods or, where appropriate, will reference specific
Assurance Program Plan. Contract Report to U.S.
FSPs (scopes of work) or standard operating pro-
Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, and
cedures. Procedures to review the quality of the
U.S. Army, Alaska. August.
data and assess whether they meet the project
objectives are also included in the QAPP.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), Alaska
District, on behalf of the U.S. Army Garrison at Fort
This field QAPP details procedures and issues
Richardson, Alaska, has contracted with an inde-
relating only to the fieldwork at the ERF, includ-
pendent engineering consulting firm, CH2M Hill,
ing the collection of all types of measurement
to provide a Quality Assurance Program Plan
data, the field laboratory analyses conducted at
(QAPP) to apply to the field work being performed
the ERF and Fort Richardson, and the handling
at the Eagle River Flats (ERF) during 1994.
and shipping of samples to off-site laboratories.
In 1993, Fort Richardson was proposed for
The field QAPP is designed to be flexible so that
inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL). The
participating agencies can continue to use their
NPL is administered by the U.S. Environmental
standard field forms and operating procedures as
Protection Agency (USEPA) and is used by the
long as the basic information and an adequate
USEPA to prioritize contaminated sites across the
level of documentation are provided.
nation that require action under the Federal Com-
This field QAPP does not cover analytical or
prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
research activities at off-site laboratories. Once
and Liability Act (CERCLA).
the samples reach the off-site laboratories, labora-
to contents
to index