collared wild mallard ducks, previously captured
at ERF. Goals and endpoints are to be measured as a
Eagle River Flats, Alaska. To date, there are about
mortality percentage of the radio-collared mal-
250 references in the ERF Bibliography, including
lards. The 5-year goal (2003) is a 50% reduction in
CERCLA documents, conference papers, contract
mortality, based on 1996 mortality data, and the 20-
reports (encompassing many individual reports),
year goal is a reduction in mortality to 1% of the
journal articles, aerial photos or photographic
total population.
series of ERF, newspaper and magazine articles,
patents, reports, theses, videotapes, and web sites.
An index is provided at the end of this report for
The purpose of this report is to provide a thor-
those documents with abstracts included.
ough and complete list of publications on the
Aeromap (1993) 8 July. Color infrared.
(1950) 8 August. Greyscale. 1 in. = 1500 ft.
Aeromap (1993) 8 July. Greyscale orthophoto.
(1953) 27 June. Greyscale. High altitude.
Aeromap (1994) 30 August. Color infrared. 1 in. =
(1957) 12 June. Greyscale.
600 ft.
(1960) 30 August. Greyscale. 1:60,000.
Aeromap (1994) 30 August. Digital orthophoto.
(1962) 17 May. Greyscale. 1:6000.
Aeromap (1995) 11 August. Digital multi-spectral
(1967) Greyscale.
video. 1.5-m pixels.
(1972) 9 August. Greyscale.
Aeromap (1995) 16 August. Color infrared. 1 in. =
(1972) July. Color infrared.
600 ft.
(1974) 7 May. Greyscale. 1 in. = 1000 ft.
Aeromap (1995) 9 October. True color. 1 in. = 1200
(1978) August.
(1984) 12 August. Color infrared. High altitude.
Aeromap (1996) 4 October. True color. 1 in. = 500
(1984) 2 September. True color. 1 in. = 1000 ft.
(1986) 5 October. True color. 1 in. = 1000 ft.
Aeromap (1997) 14 August. Greyscale. 1 in. = 2500
(1986) 12 September. Landsat TM.
(1988) 4 August. Greyscale. 1 in. = 3000 ft.
Aeromap (1997) 27 July 1997. True color. 1 in. =
Aeromap (1990) 24 May. True color. 1:21,000.
500 ft.
Aeromap (1991) 21 June. CASI. 2.5-m pixels.
Aeromap (1997) 11 June. Digital multi-spectral
video. 1.5-m pixels.
Aeromap (1991) 21
June. Color infrared. 1
in. =
Aeromap (1997) 17 June. Digital multi-spectral
600 ft.
video. 1.5-m pixels.
Aeromap (1992) 2 August. Color infrared. 1 in. =
Aeromap (1997) 24 May. True color. 1 in. = 1000 ft.
1000 ft.
Aeromap (1998) 18 August. Color infrared. 1 in. =
Aeromap (1992) 22
May. Color infrared. 1
in. =
600 ft.
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