CH2M Hill (1994) Eagle River Flats. Comprehen-
including the results and identification of
sive Evaluation Report. Contract Report to U.S.
chemicals of concern (Section 3).
Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, and
Conceptual site model (CSM) that describes
U.S. Army, Alaska. July.
identifies potential data gaps from past stud-
Scope and purpose of the comprehensive
ies (Section 4).
evaluation report
Qualitative assessment of potential risks
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE),
posed to human health and the environment
Alaska District, on behalf of the U.S. Army Garri-
son at Fort Richardson, Alaska, has contracted
with an independent engineering consulting firm
to complete a Comprehensive Evaluation Report
developed by the USEPA (Section 6).
(CER) for the Eagle River Flats (ERF) area on Fort
Data quality objectives (DQOs) that describe
Richardson. In 1993, Fort Richardson was pro-
the type, quantity, and quality of existing data
posed for inclusion on the National Priorities List
and present additional data that may be nec-
(NPL). The NPL is administered by the U.S. Envi-
ronmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
bility studies, determining cleanup goals
(CERCLA). The purpose of the NPL is to inform
and objectives, and completing remedial
the public of the most seriously contaminated
design (Section 7).
sites in the nation, through site-specific criteria
Applicable or relevant and appropriate require-
and a preliminary evaluation of potential con-
ments (ARARs) that must be met during field
tamination that may pose a substantial risk to
activities and at the conclusion of remediation are
human health or the environment.
discussed in a separate document. The informa-
CERCLA requires that Federal facilities investi-
tion presented in the CER will be used to design
gate and clean up contaminated sites according to
and implement potential interim remedial ac-
specific interagency agreements. The U.S. Army
tions (IRAs), removals, and treatability studies for
is currently negotiating a Federal Facility Agree-
ment (FFA) with USEPA and the Alaskan Depart-
at the ERF that poses a substantial risk to human
ment of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) for
health and the environment.
Fort Richardson. The purpose of the FFA is to
ensure that environmental impacts associated
with a site are thoroughly investigated and reme-
The ERF is an estuarine salt marsh in the north-
diated. Work at a Department of Defense NPL site
west sector of Fort Richardson. Fort Richardson's
that is carried out under the Installation Restora-
55,000 acres include a central cantonment area
tion Program (IRP) is planned and completed as
surrounded by ranges and impact and maneuver
required by CERCLA according to the terms
areas to the north, east, and south. The Munici-
specified in the FFA.
pality of Anchorage (MOA) and Elmendorf Air
The ERF site of Fort Richardson is one area that
Force Base (AFB) lie west of Fort Richardson.
has been investigated under the IRP and is
The ERF has been as the primary ordnance
included in the upcoming FFA. The CER is the
impact area for Fort Richardson since the mid-
result of a review and evaluation of the various
1940s. The ERF is a 2165-acre wetland within Fort
studies and investigations completed at the ERF
Richardson at the mouth of Eagle River, adjacent
since 1982. The CER summarizes and presents the
to Upper Cook Inlet. The ERF is an important
information obtained to date from the ERF
staging ground for several species of waterfowl,
investigations. It is designed to assist the U.S.
including ducks, geese, and swans, during spring
Army and the signatories to the FFA in deter-
and fall migrations. During the peak migration
mining practical, implementable, and effective
periods, the waterfowl population may total 3000
remedial actions for the ERF.
to 5000.
The CER includes the following:
A former explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)
Description of the general site location and
pad, where outdated munitions were detonated,
environmental setting of the ERF (Section 2).
adjoins the eastern boundary of the ERF. Ord-
Summary of past studies and investigations,
nance fired into the ERF since 1949 includes
to contents
to index