time of breakup can affect the
stopping location of an ice run
from upstream. Also, reservoir
releases as a result of winter run-
North Platte River,
off events may influence breakup
ice jam occurrence and severity in
International Section
Beauharnois Canal,
St. Lawrence River
downstream channels. In addi-
Fox River, Illinois
tion, planned releases from river
Allegheny River,
dams and reservoirs can delay or
accelerate the breakup process in
downstream reaches, depending
on the ice-control objectives.
This report describes winter
James Bay, Quebec
flow-control methods chronologi-
cally, starting with the early win-
Jenpeg, Manitoba
ter ice-formation period, followed
by the midwinter ice-maintenance
period, and concluding with the
l a t e winterearly spring ice-
breakup period. Examples illus-
Average Water Velocity (m/s)
trate flow-control methods and
Figure 1. Monthly average air temperature vs. average water velocity dur-
their ice-control objectives. The
ing flow cutbacks for ice covers formation. Note that the James Bay and
report summarizes the current
Jenpeg structures are located at about latitude 55 north while the others
state of the art in flow-control
are located south of 45 north.
methods to manage ice and the
conclusions highlight areas where
innovative methods and future research might
1983). Under average early winter air temper-
atures in the northern tier of the U.S., optimal
have the greatest benefit in terms of managing
hydraulic conditions for rapid ice cover formation
river ice.
by juxtaposition are a velocity of about 0.46 m/s
and a Froude number of 0.06 (Perham 1983, Jain
et al. 1993). In colder, more northerly regions, the
optimal ice-formation velocity is somewhat
higher, as shown in Figure 1.
Hydraulic conditions
Velocity alone has been used as an ice-cover-
for ice formation
formation criterion as well. In reaches where
Flow control for ice formation usually requires
water velocities are at or below about 0.11 m/s,
that discharge be reduced at a river structure to
thermally grown sheet ice or border ice would be
promote the rapid growth of a relatively thin,
hydraulically smooth ice cover by ice floe jux-
expected to form rather than a juxtaposed ice
cover. At velocities between about 0.70 and 1.5
taposition. In this dynamic process, frazil pans
m/s, a thicker "shoved'' ice accumulation usually
and ice floes come to rest, edge to edge, at the
forms. In this velocity range, instead of accumu-
upstream border of the ice accumulation with-
lating edge to edge, ice pieces typically under-
out underturning or being entrained underneath
turn at the upstream border of the stationary ice
by the flow. Once a stable ice cover has formed,
discharge can be gradually raised to open-water
cover. Arriving floes may also be entrained by the
current to deposit on the underside of the accu-
The accepted criteria for ice cover progression
mulation in the form of hanging dams. A shoved
by juxtaposition, based on experience and theory,
ice cover is usually much thicker and hydrauli-
are a maximum water velocity of about 0.70 m/s
cally rougher than a juxtaposed cover, resulting
and a Froude number* of less than 0.1 (Perham
in greater head losses. Also, for the same ice sup-
ply, the shoved cover is shorter, leaving a larger
open water area upstream to produce frazil. These
* Froude number: F = v
gh where v = average water veloc-
factors make the shoved ice cover less desirable
than a juxtaposed ice cover for hydroelectric
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