ment may be deposited after the data are
estimate, it is unlikely that as much as 500,000
acquired if it is filling up.
acre-ft of capacity have been lost.
The need for a full suite of data as the reser-
voir is drawn down requires that the
time in the region where the reservoir is
NIMA (1998) National Imagery and Mapping
located. The Painted Rock Reservoir is opti-
Agency World Wide Web site: http://www.nima.
mally situated for this. In areas with more
cloud cover than Arizona, it might be worth
Pangburn, T., E. Bryant, R.L. Bolus, and G.A.
investigating the use of radar remote sens-
Pedrick (1998) Painted Rock Reservoir storage
ing data. Radar penetrates clouds, but has
volume estimate: Summary of procedures and
other drawbacks.
results for 1993 and 1995 Landsat data classifica-
The size of the reservoir must be well
tion. Preliminary report prepared for USA Corps
matched with the resolution of the sensor. A
of Engineers, Los Angeles District. USA Cold
very small reservoir might require a sensor
Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
with smaller pixels than the one-fifth-acre
Remote Sensing/Geographic Information Sys-
pixels of the Landsat TM data. It might also
tems Center.
be possible to use data with larger pixels
USACE (1962) Reservoir Regulation Manual for
(e.g., Landsat multispectral scanner data,
Painted Rock Reservoir, Gila River Basin, Ari-
one-acre pixels) for a reservoir as large as or
zona and New Mexico. USA Corps of Engineers,
larger than the Painted Rock Reservoir.
Los Angeles District.
It is definitely desirable, if not required, that
USACE (1989) Sedimentation investigation of
the whole reservoir be included in one scene
rivers and reservoirs. EM 1110-2-4000, 15 Decem-
rather than split across multiple scenes, so
ber 1989, USA Corps of Engineers, Washington,
that the water surface elevation is constant
across the reservoir.
USACE (1993) Painted Rock Dam and Reservoir,
Maricopa County, Arizona. Fact sheet, USA
Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District.
USACE (1997) Hydrologic Engineering Require-
The technique of classification of Landsat data
ments for Reservoirs. EM 1110-2-1420, 31 October
acquired at various reservoir elevations has
1997, USA Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C.
yielded updated elevation vs. surface area and
USGS (1998a) U.S. Geological Survey, EROS
elevation vs. storage capacity curves for the
Data Center, Global Land Information System,
Painted Rock Reservoir as of after the 1993 flood.
World Wide Web site: http://edcwww. cr.usgs.
These curves indicate a loss of capacity of about
USGS (1998b) U.S. Geological Survey, National
157,000 acre-ft of storage at spillway capacity
Map Accuracy Standards, World Wide Web
since the 1953 survey of the reservoir, and of
site: http: //
about 142,000 acre-ft since the 1985 survey.
Although there is uncertainty associated with the
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