INTRODUCTION - SR99_060008Figure 1. Painted Rock Reservoir, Arizona, and surrounding area.Landsat Thematic Mapper dataDigital Line Graph dataSurface area procedureTable 5. Albers coordinates of rectified images.Table 6. TM Band 5 limits of 21 classes.Table 8. Elevation range for each multitemporal class.Error analysis procedureFigure 4. 1993 multitemporal water classification with ground suvey profile points overlaidRESULTS - SR99_060018Figure 5. Elevation vs. water surface area graph, with area from 1953 and 1985 surveys, 1993 Landsat estimate, and hypothetical case of 500,00-acre-ft loss of capacity.Table 11. Painted Rock Reservoir storage capacity in 1953, 1985, and 1993.Figure 7. water classification of 31 march 1993 overlaid on image of 7 march 1993,showing water area if 500,000 acre ft.had been lostError analysis resultsLITERATURE CITED - SR99_060023APPENDIX A: COLOR COMPOSITE IMAGES AND WATER CLASSIFICATIONPainted Rock reservoir,March 7, 1993Painted Rock reservoir,March 31, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, April 8, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, April 24, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, May 10, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, May 26, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, June 27, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, July 29, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, August 30, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, October 1, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, November 2, 1993Painted Rock Reservoir, December 4, 1993APPENDIX B: CROSS SECTIONS OF GROUND SURVEY PROFILESProfile #3Profile #6Profile #8.Profile #9Profile #12Profile #14Profile #15APPENDIX C: SURFACE AREA AND STORAGE CAPACITY TABLESTable C1. Painted Rock Reservoir elevation vs. water surface area as of 1953 and 1985 surveysTable C1. Continued - SR99_060047Table C2. Painted Rock Reservoir storage capacity from 1953 and 1985 surveys, 1993 Landsat estimate, and 500,000-acre-ft-loss scenarioTable C2. Continued - SR99_060049APPENDIX D: SOURCES OF UNCERTAINTY AND ERROR ANALYSISClassification threshold (#4)Table D1. Painted Rock Reservoir surface area error barsTable D2. Painted Rock Reservoir storage capacity error barsReport Documentation Page - SR99_060054ABSTRACT-Continued - SR99_060055SR99_06