Frost-Susceptibility Testing and Predictions for
the Raymark Superfund Site
treated with 3.5% cement and compacted prior to
placement of the geosynthetic liner materials.
CRREL was approached by the Geotechnical
Engineering Division of the New England Divi-
The investigation performed by CRREL is based
sion (NED), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to
on the projected performance of the pavement
assist in predicting the effects of freezethaw
structure for both a short-term and a long-term
cycling on pavement design during the freezing
basis. Factors associated with the pavement's per-
season on Tilcon common granular fill. This Til-
formance over a long-term period include the
con common granular fill is being used as the
types of soils used in the pavement structure,
subbase material in the proposed pavement
cracking due to loading and temperature changes,
structure at the Raymark Superfund site in Strat-
and moisture infiltration from the surface, as well
ford, Connecticut. The Tilcon fill, considered to be
as the location of the water table below the surface.
a clean material, comes from a source in North
The time period of interest is during the freezing
Branford, Connecticut.
season when frost heave is most damaging to a
pavement structure.
The Raymark Superfund site is currently
under remediation with the intention of using the
CRREL conducted laboratory frost heave tests to
reclaimed land for commercial development. A
index the frost-susceptibility of the Tilcon common
portion of the site is planned to be used as a park-
granular fill. CRREL's task included predicting the
ing area. The pavement structure of the proposed
amount of frost heave for the pavement structure.
parking area will consist of a total of six layers of
The computer model, FROST, was used to predict
material. The uppermost layer will be composed
the amount of frost heave for the simulated pave-
of approximately 76 to 102 mm of asphalt con-
ment structures. All of the structures used the same
crete. Below this, a maximum of 203 mm of
material characteristics and number of layers. The
graded granular base will cover approximately
first structure included a Tilcon subbase thickness
610 mm of Tilcon common granular fill. Geosyn-
of 640 mm, and the second structure used a Tilcon
thetic liner materials, approximately 30 mm
subbase thickness of 460 mm. A third set of simula-
thick, will be placed between the Tilcon material
tions was run in which the graded base was in-
and a sand gas collection layer (203-mm thick-
creased from 203 mm to 560 mm. The last set of
ness). The undermost layer consists of waste ma-
simulations was tested to estimate the life of the
terial, which is a mixture of on-site soil combined
structure based on the design loads.
with the hazardous waste that was produced on
This report discusses results from both the lab-
site. Asbestos, lead, PCBs, volatile organic com-
oratory frost heave tests completed on the Tilcon
pounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs, and solvents have
common granular fill and the computer simula-
been detected in the on-site soil. This mixture was