Base temperatures required for germination of
tion of cultivars based on anticipated seed zone
Festuca species were 3.2C for rapid germinators,
temperatures will provide rapid germination and
3.6 to 6C for medium germinators, and 4 to 6C
may lead to improved establishment on poorly
for poor germinators. Heat units (HU) (growing
managed sandy soils in cold climates.
degree-days >10C) calculated for the rapid ger-
minator were 129C-d, 120 to 140C-d for medium
germinators, and 135 to 191C-d for the poor
germinators. Radford and Henzell (1990) report-
Angus, J.F., R.B. Cunningham, M.W. Moncur, and
ed that differences among sorghum genotypes for
D.H. Mackenzie (1981) Phasic development in
germination were due to differences in base tem-
field crops. I. Thermal response in the seedling
perature. Furthermore, they speculated that any
phase. Field Crops Research, 3: 365378.
genotype with a high base temperature might
AOSA (1970) Rules for testing seeds. In Proceed-
have insufficient time to complete elongation of
ings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts, 60: 1
radiate protrusion through the seed coat and sub-
sequently fail to germinate.
Bierhuizen, J.F., and W .A. Wagenvoort (1974)
The mean germination of Festuca cultivars was
Some aspects of seed germination in vegetables. 1.
significantly (p < 0.05) regressed with mean Atg
The determination and application of heat sums
(Fig. 2) and heat units (Fig. 3). Germination
and minimum temperature for germination.
decreased as Atg and HU increased. The Atg and
Scientific Horticulture, 2: 213219.
HU regressions explained 91% and 66% of the
Brar, G.S., and A.J. Palazzo (1995a) Tall and hard
variation in germination, respectively.
fescue responses to periodic soil water deficits.
Cultivars that germinated rapidly had lower
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 175: 221229.
HU and Atg values, so they have the chance to
Brar, G.S., and A.J. Palazzo (1995b) Shoot and root
establish in the field earlier than medium and
development of tall and hard fescues in two dif-
slow germinators (Brar and Stewart 1994).
ferent soils. Journal of Environmental Quality, 24:
Rapid and total germination are the most
obvious factors distinguishing the cultivars used
Brar, G.S., and B.A. Stewart (1994) Germination
in this study. The two TFs (Clemfine and Tribute)
under controlled temperature and field emerg-
as a group had a greater total and rate of germina-
ence of 13 sorghum cultivars. Crop Science, 34:
tion than the other five species. Palazzo and Brar
(1997) screened Festuca cultivars for rapid root
Brar, G.S., J.F. Gomez, B.L. McMichael, A.G.
development and reported that Clemfine TF had
Matches, and H.M. Taylor (1991) Germination of
the deepest root system and greatest cumulative
twenty forage legumes as influenced by tempera-
root elongation rates among the 12 cultivars used
ture. Agronomy Journal, 83:173175.
in the test. The rate of germination increased
Derwyn, R., B. Whalley, and C.M. McKell (1966)
linearly with temperature from a base tempera-
Seedling vigour and the early non-photosynthetic
ture to a sharply defined optimum temperature,
stage of seedling growth in grasses. Crop Science,
beyond which the rate decreased linearly with
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temperature, reaching zero at the maximum tem-
Doliner, L.H., and P.A. Jolliffe (1979) Ecological
perature (Garcia-Huidobro et al. 1982).
evidence concerning the adaptive significance of
In summary, we examined the effects of tem-
the C4 dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosyn-
perature on germination, average time to germin-
thesis. Oecologia, 38: 2334.
ation, threshold temperature, and heat units of
Garcia-Huidobro, J., J.L. Monteith, and G.R. Squire
Festuca cultivars to assess the genetic basis for
(1982) Time, temperature and germination of
their variability and the implications for selection
pearl millet. Journal of Experimental Botany, 33:
and turfgrass establishment. The results of this
study suggest that the optimum seed zone tem-
Gould, F.W., and R.B. Shaw (1983) Grass System-
perature for germination of Festuca cultivars is
atics. Second edition, p. 397. College Station: Texas
15C. Germination decreased as average time to
A&M University Press.
germination increased. The seeding time for some
Hegarty, T.W . (1973) Temperature coefficient
Festuca cultivars could be varied based on ex-
pected seed zone temperatures for particular
cesses. Nature (London), 243: 305306.
locations. Results of this study should be inter-
Heydecker, W . (1966) Clarity in recording ger-
preted with caution, but they suggest that selec-
mination data. Nature, (London), 210: 753754.