Schwering and Johnson
Refer to the discussion under Scattering from
vegetation model
Surfaces and Transitions, in the Methods and Ap-
proaches section.
The formulation reduces where appropriate to
Scalar RT treatment of vegetation field with
KA, SPM, and two-scale theories, with greater
surface but no deep boundary; computes propa-
overall range of convergence but similar input
gation from which backscatter can be obtained.
requirements; 1-D roughness code is available, 2-
D reported nearing completion; possible inclu-
sion of 1-D roughness finite element and method
Refer to the discussion under Vegetation, in the
of moments codes for Monte Carlo simulation;
Applications section.
bistatic results allow inference of reciprocal pas-
Very simple model that relies on measured or
sive behavior; upcoming 2-D roughness treatment
estimated two-parameter phase function; satis-
would allow fully polarimetric treatments and
factory simulation of data on which phase func-
tion was based; limited generality; program could
be made available and documentation developed
at small to moderate cost.
Dr. Ernesto Rodriguez and Dr. Yunjin Kim
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dr. Robert Johnson
California Institute of Technology
Textron Defense Systems, MS 3106
4800 Oak Grove Drive
201 Lowell St
Pasadena, CA 91109
Wilmington, MA 01887
Phone: (818) 354-9500
Phone: (508) 657-1721
GWU vegetation model
UW snow model
WT-based approach to sparse layer over half
Computes polarimetric surface and volume
space with classes of scatterers having orienta-
scatter and emission from snowpacks under dif-
tion distributions.
ferent moisture conditions.
Refer to the discussion under Vegetation, in the
Refer to the discussion under Snow and Ice, in
Applications section.
the Applications section.
Some ground-vegetation multibounce paths are
Assumed spherical particles allow calculation
included, but overall the model treats two-layer
of pair distribution function and consequent dense
medium approach; formulation includes particle-
ment of rough ground surface; polarimetric back-
size distribution with the presence of moisture;
scatter coefficients are calculated. Previous for-
developments are anticipated in connection with
mulation and especially validation at frequencies
MIT personnel and Shi from UCSB. The valida-
no higher than C band, with recent developments
tion is encouraging, and the code usability has
oriented toward at least X-band and higher; docu-
potential. Documentation status is unknown. Con-
mentation status is unknown.
tinuing developments are currently underway.
Professor Roger Lang
Professor Leung Tsang
Department of Electrical Engineering
Electromagnetics of Remote Sensing Laboratory
and Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
George Washington University
University of Washington
Washington, DC 20052
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: (202) 994-6083
Phone: (206) 685-7537