331 on-site
500 on-site
286 lab
416 lab
39,800 on-site
41,400 lab
164 on-site
1280 on-site
136 lab
1220 lab
(stainless steel auger)
5 cm dia.
24,400 on-site
27,800 on-site
27,700 lab
42,800 lab
Figure 2. Sampling scheme (TNT concentrations shown are from
sampling location 1).
num pie pans and further disaggregated by hand
On-site soil processing
until approximately pea sized or smaller pieces
Discrete samples
were produced. For soil from sampling location
Soil samples from the Monite site and Haw-
7, rocks greater than 0.5 cm were removed and
thorne AAP were dry and mostly consisted of a
weighed. Soils were then coned and quartered
mixture of sands and gravels. These samples were
and further processed as described above.
processed as follows. Soils were emptied from the
zip lock bags into 23-cm-diameter aluminum pie
Composite samples
pans. We dispersed the material by breaking up
For composite samples at the Monite site and
the large clumps with gloved hands and remov-
Hawthorne AAP, the soil remaining after discrete
ing large rocks. The pans were covered with a
samples were removed for each of the seven grab
second pie pan and the soil was swirled and
samples within a wheel was combined in a large
shaken vigorously to disperse and homogenize
aluminum roasting pan. While the portions used
the material, which was then coned and quar-
to make the composite were not individually
tered. Approximately 5-g subsamples were re-
weighed for Monite and Hawthorne, they were
moved from each quarter and combined to pro-
approximately equal in weight. The soil was ho-
duce a sample of about 20-g for colorimetric on-site
mogenized by hand mixing. Clumps were reduced
analysis. The bulk sample was remixed, coned
by hand crushing and the material was coned
and quartered again and a duplicate 20-g sample
and quartered. Approximately 5-g samples were
for field analysis was removed as described above.
removed from each quarter and combined to pro-
The sample was remixed a third time and another
duce a 20-g sample for field analysis. The soil was
20-g sample removed and placed in an amber 40-
coned, quartered and sampled six more times to
mL glass vial for subsequent laboratory analysis.
produce a total of seven replicates for field analy-
The remaining sample was returned to its origi-
sis. The soil was dispersed, coned and quartered
nal zip lock bag and saved for preparation of a
one final time and a 50-g sample removed and
composite sample for that sampling location.
placed in an amber glass bottle for subsequent
Soils from Volunteer had a higher moisture
laboratory analysis.
content and were composed of a higher percent-
At Volunteer, a similar procedure was used
age of finer grained material than soils from ei-
except that equal weights of each individual
ther Monite or Hawthorne. This made field ho-
sample (100 or 600 g each, depending on wheel
mogenization more difficult and time consuming.
location) were used to prepare composites. Oth-
At Volunteer, soil samples were placed in zip lock
erwise samples were processed as above. A sum-
bags and initially kneaded by hand to break up
mary of the entire sampling design is shown in
large clumps. They were then deposited in alumi-
Figure 3.