dreds of g/g (location 5). The final
location sampled at Hawthorne was
a disposal lagoon where the surface
soils were visually contaminated
with intense yellow crystalline ma-
BLM Sparks
Reno, Nevada
terial that we believed to be ammo-
nium picrate (location 6).
Hawthorne AAP
The third installation sampled was
Volunteer AAP
Volunteer AAP near Chattanooga,
Tennessee (Fig. 1). This installation
is a TNT and DNT production facil-
ity, although it has not actively pro-
duced these munitions compounds
since 1977. Here again, we selected
three sampling locations based on
Figure 1. Sampling sites.
preliminary sampling and colorimet-
ric on-site analysis. The first sampling
is largely unknown. Several years ago, children
location was at a loading area located adjacent to
playing in the area found a barrel of DNT and the
a TNT production building (location 7 and loca-
site subsequently has undergone preliminary site
tion 7R). This area was also contaminated from
characterization. Based on the results of this char-
wash water from the facility and concentrations
of TNT in the soil were in the thousands of g/g.
acterization, C. Murray of BLM pointed out sev-
eral potential sampling locations that had detect-
The second sampling location was within a drain-
age ditch that received spills of TNT production
suggestions, we conducted preliminary soil sam-
wastewater (location 8). Individual samples col-
pling and the samples were analyzed using the
lected within the ditch had elevations that dif-
EnSys colorimetic on-site analysis method (EPA
fered by only a maximum of 25 cm; however,
TNT concentrations varied from 50030,000 g/g.
1995b). The results of this initial sampling and
analysis revealed three areas that had very differ-
The final sampling location at Volunteer was an
centrations in the thousands of g/g (location 1),
but upon sampling and on-site analysis, we found
it to have TNT concentrations in the 440 g/g
one had similar levels of DNT (location 2), and a
third had low g/g levels of TNT (location 3).
range (location 9).
These three locations were selected for intensive
sampling and analysis.
Soil sampling procedure
The second installation we visited was
A common pattern was used for soil sampling
Hawthorne AAP, which is located in west-central
at all nine locations. A plastic template was placed
Nevada (Fig. 1). This facility was established in
on the ground with the center at the selected sam-
1928 and was operated for many years as a load,
pling location and oriented as shown in Figure 2,
assemble and pack facility for the Navy. In 1977 it
with sample numbers 2 and 5 oriented north
was transferred to Army control. We visited a
south. Seven samples were collected in a wheel
number of candidate sampling locations and se-
pattern with sample number 1 in the center. The
lected three based on results of preliminary sam-
radius of the wheel was 61 cm and samples ar-
pling and field analysis. The first sampling loca-
ranged around the wheel were separated by 61 cm.
tion was under a conveyer belt that took "empty"
All seven soil samples were collected at the
boxes and crates from the inside of a melt facility
surface from 0 to 15 cm using a manual 5.0-cm
out for disposal. Red stains were visible on the
stainless-steel hand auger. When vegetation was
soil surface apparently from residual TNT crys-
present, it was removed. Cores were transferred
tals released from these boxes. The major con-
to plastic zip lock bags and taken to a processing
taminant in this area was TNT with soil concen-
area. At the Monite site, processing was conducted
trations in the thousands of g/g (location 4). The
outdoors in the shade to minimize the possibility
second sampling location at Hawthorne was at
of photodegradation. At Hawthorne and Volun-
an open burning area. The area was free of veg-
teer, soil processing was conducted in air-condi-
etation and had concentrations of TNT in the hun-
tioned buildings.