CMT, Inc. (1984) Pavement evaluation program--
Central Wisconsin Airport.
During the spring thawing period, the JTE was a
ERES Consultants (1985) Structural evaluation of
function not only of the surface temperature but also
runway 3-21.
of subgrade stiffness. Near the end of thaw, the JTE
Foxworthy, P.T. (1985) Concepts for the Development
was basically solely a function of the surface tempera-
of a Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation System for
Rigid Airfield Pavements. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer-
Unique relationships were developed between
sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (unpublished).
FWD deflections and the subgrade modulus (Esub)
Hammons M.I. and D.W. Pittman (1993) Effective-
and between the FWD deflections and the coefficient
ness of load transfer devices. Draft Final Report. USA
of subgrade coefficient (k). Additional relationships
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
were developed between the PCC layer thickness and
Ioannides, A.M., E.J. Barenberg and J.A. Lary (1989)
either Esub or k and the horizontal tensile stress (σtensile)
Interpretation of falling weight deflectometer results
at the bottom of the PCC layer.
using principles of dimensionless analysis. Advanced
A relationship was also developed for determining
Construction Technology Center, Document No. 89-
the load transfer across transverse joints on the basis
of JTE calculated from FWD deflection data. This re-
Irwin L.H., W.S. Yang and R.N. Stubstad (1989) De-
lationship could be also used for longitudinal joints.
flection reading accuracy and layer thickness accuracy
The developed relationships allowed us to propose
in backcalculation of pavement layer moduli. In Pro-
ceedings, Nondestructive Testing of Pavement and Back-
mance during winter and thaw-weakening periods.
calculation of Moduli (A.J. Bush III and G.Y. Baladi,
However, this methodology could be used at other
Ed.). ASTM STP 1026, p. 171188.
times of the year.
Janoo, V.C. and R.L. Berg (1990) Predicting pavement
The relationships developed from this study should
response during thaw weakening periods using the fall-
be verified at other sites. In particular, although there
ing weight deflectometer. In Proceedings, Third Inter-
are only small differences in the horizontal stress rela-
national Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads
tionships for the Boeing 757 and the MD-DC9, addi-
and Airfields, Trondheim, Norway, vol. 1, p. 3140.
tional horizontal stress relationships may be needed
Janoo, V.C. and R.L. Berg (1991) Asphalt concrete air-
for other aircraft.
field pavement evaluation during thaw weakening
Field measurements of horizontal stress or strain
periods using the falling weight deflectometer. USA
are necessary to verify these relationships.
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
CRREL Report 91-7.
Janoo, V.C. and R.L. Berg (1996) PCC airfield pave-
ment response to thaw weakening periods: Data. USA
Barenberg, E.J. and A.M. Ioannides (1989) Structural
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
evaluation of concrete slabs using falling weight de-
Internal Report 1155.
flectometer results, Urbana-Champaign: Advanced
Mead and Hunt, Inc. (1988) Runway 11/29 strength-
Construction Technology Center, University of Illi-
ening design study.
Stark, J. and R.L. Berg (1989) Performance of pave-
U.S. Army (no date) Nondestructive procedures for
ment at Central Wisconsin Airport. In Proceedings, 5th
airfield pavement evaluation. Draft Technical Manual
International Conference on Cold Regions Engineer-
TM 5-826-5.
ing. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers.