results show a trend toward reduced ice cover
Hewitt, A.D. (1994) Screening for metals by X-ray
thickness in the test section as compared to the
fluorescence spectrometry/response factor/
control. The use of a hydroseeder for spreading
Compton Kα peak normalization analysis. Ameri-
the dusting material is effective and is comparable
can Environmental Laboratory, June.
in cost to aerial dusting. However, there must be
acterizations in applying computer aided tech-
good access to the river bank to use the hydro-
niques to remote sensor data. In Remote Sensing:
seeder to spread the leaves. The ideal situation
The Quantitative Approach (P.H. Swain and S.M.
would be where a road runs along the side of a river.
Davis, Ed.), p. 227290.
More work is required to find the extent to
Labsphere, Inc. (1988) Spectralon product data
which dusting can reduce the ice volume and
sheet. North Sutton, New Hampshire.
strength. This will require measurements of the
ice thickness and strength in the dusted and
Minshall, G.W ., R.C. Peterson, K.W . Cummings,
undusted reaches during the spring melt period
T.L. Bott, J.R. Sedeil, C.E. Cushing and R.L.
Vannote (1983) Interbiome comparison of stream
leading up to breakup. Concurrent measurements
ecosystem dynamics. Ecological Monographs, 53: 1
of solar radiation, ice temperature, water tempera-
ture, air temperature and other standard meteo-
Perovich, D.K. (1992) Light reflection from sea ice
rological data will also be required to document
cover during the onset of summer melt. Ocean
the decay process and all the pertinent heat and
Optics XI, p. 33513358.
mass transfer processes occurring at the ice sur-
Prowse, T.D and M.N Demuth (1992) Spatial and
face. Also a greater understanding of when and
temporal variability of river ice-cover strength. 9th
where to dust to achieve maximum benefit needs
International Northern Research Basins Symposium/
to be established. To do this, a relationship link-
Workshop, p. 405421.
ing ice volume and ice strength to ice jam
Slaughter, C.W . (1969) Snow albedo modification:
potential needs to be developed. Finally, further
A review of literature. USA Cold Regions Research
work is required to determine the environmental
and Engineering Laboratory, Technical Report 217.
impact of dusting with leaves on the riverine
Swain, P.H. and S.M. Davis, Ed. (1978) Remote
Sensing: The Quantitative Approach. New York:
McGraw Hill.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1968) Operation
Dusty Alaska. U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1979) Ice dusting
of the Platte River. U.S. Army Engineer District,
covers. Journal of Energy Resources, 107: 177182.
Omaha, March.
Ashton, G.D., Ed. (1986) River and Lake Ice Engi-
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers (1994a) Ice dust-
neering. Littleton, Colorado: Water Resources Pub-
ing of the Platte River. U.S. Army Engineer District,
Omaha, September.
Colbeck, S.C. (1988) Snowmelt increase through
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1994b) Winooski
albedo reduction. USA Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Special Report 88-26.
Montpelier, Vermont. Prepared for U.S. Army En-
Dozier, J., R.E. Davis and A.W . Nolin (1989) Re-
gineer District, New York.
flectance and transmittance of snow at high spec-
Williams, G.P. (1967) Ice dusting experiments to
tral resolution. Proceedings of International Geo-
increase the rate of melting ice. National Research
science and Remote Sensing Symposium `89, p. 662
Council, Ottawa, Canada, Technical paper No. 239.