Table 7. Set 4, trial 5. Mean and standard deviations of tripli-
cate gasoline concentrations of spiking solution (g) after 1
day of refrigerated storage, and for gasoline concentrations
(g/g) in preserved and unpreserved samples stored at 22
and 4C.
Treatment aliquot
Storage period
Day 0†
Day 5
Day 10
Day 14
Day 28
A. 22C --unpreserved (g/g)
B. 4C--unpreserved (g/g)
C. 22C--preserved with NaHSO4 (g/g)
* ND = not detected, less than 0.02 g of VOC/g
† Same set used for day 0 values for unpreserved samples
Refrigeration (4C) slowed the rate of degrada-
polymerized or was chemically transformed into
tion losses, but both Ben and meta-xylene (m-Xyl)
an alcohol.* Since there was not enough water
showed substantial reductions (>80%) within a
present to create a slurry condition, NaHSO4 may
14-day storage period (Fig. 5, 8 and 12). With the
be either present as a salt or an acid. An addition-
exception of o-Xyl, all of the other aromatic hy-
al experiment not reported here showed that the
drocarbons were also substantially reduced (>95%)
loss of styrene was unique to soil samples pre-
in concentration over a 28-day period (Fig. 8, 12
served with NaHSO4; i.e., no losses were seen in
and 13). These findings and others (Hewitt 1994,
laboratory water that was similarly preserved and
Hewitt 1995a,b, Turriff 1995), suggest that refrig-
stored. Thus, the chemical reaction that transforms
styrene most likely is catalyzed by the soil. Clear-
eration is not a sufficient means of eliminating
ly, soil sample preservation by NaHSO4, or per-
microbial degradation effects on VOC analyte con-
haps any acid, would not be compatible for inves-
centrations in soil samples awaiting analysis.
tigations where styrene is a constituent of interest.
In contrast, with the exception of styrene, all of
Although these experiments used only labora-
the aromatic analytes tested and the majority of
tory-fortified samples, field samples should be-
compounds present in gasoline were preserved
with NaHSO4 (Fig. 3, 6, 9, 14 and 15). The small
hibited the activity of the indigenous soil microbes.
(<30%) concentration reductions that were ob-
There are, however, some issues that need to be
served relative to day 0 can be partly attributed to
addressed aside from the chemical transforma-
slow sorption by the soil organic matter and lack
tion of styrene in soil due to preservation with
of an equilibration period between treatment and
the initial analysis. Additional evidence for this
1. How should the samples be collected?
mechanism is shown by the greater losses for com-
2. Are there any effects due to storage of sam-
pounds with the largest o/w partition coefficients
ples in VOA vials?
(n-propyl benzene [n-PB], iso-propyl benzene [iso-
3. Do all soil samples require chemical preser-
PB], 1,3 dichlorobenzene [1,3 DCB], and n-BB), and
by the trend showing that the greatest reductions
4. Is it important to obtain a pH of 2 or lower
in concentrations almost always occurred between
throughout the sample to inhibit microbiological
the first two analyses (day 0 to day 3 to 5, trials 1
While losses of greater than 80% for some ana-
likely has already been reached for environmen-
lytes may be attributed to biodegradation when
tal samples, VOC losses of this nature would not
soil samples held refrigerated for 14 days, much
be anticipated for samples taken during a site
investigation and preserved with NaHSO4.
Styrene was not stable in the soil preserved
* Personal communication with Thomas F. Jenkins,
with NaHSO4, perhaps because it either rapidly
CRREL, 1995.