fiber-optic data lines running from the dam to
Seven Corps of Engineers navigation lock and
the lockhouse. Thus, one system backs up the
dam projects were visited in support of the auto-
other. One of the operating systems is made up
mation study. The purpose of these visits was to
of a large control panel in the lockhouse, dis-
examine existing automation installations and
playing gate and gage information on digital
learn about their successes and shortcomings,
readouts, indicating equipment status by means
and to examine a wide variety of lock and dam
of lights (e.g., gate moving, up or down, fully
designs of various ages to better assess the ap-
closed, etc.), and having manual switches to con-
duct dam operations. The other system is com-
first two sites visited served to fulfill mainly the
posed of a keyboard and monitor; various
first portion of the stated objective. Correspond-
menus and screens on the monitor mimic infor-
ingly, the findings of those visits are given in
mation on the control panel of the first system.
greater detail.
As explained, at the time of the visit the sys-
tem was not fully usable as designed or intend-
Marseilles L&D, Marseilles, Illinois
ed. Remote manual operation is generally possi-
This project on the Illinois Waterway was vis-
ble and free of serious problems. However, the
ited on 22 July 1991, because it has automated
automatic operation is not reliable because the
functions that are operated remotely. The inter-
upper gage information used by the system for
est under the study, therefore, was to become fa-
control of the gates is not always accurate. As a
miliar with these automation systems.
result, automated operation is allowed to occur
In recent years the dam at Marseilles was re-
only during the day shift, Monday through Fri-
habilitated, and new submergible tainter gates
day, when there are enough persons on duty to
were installed. This dam is about two miles up-
keep an eye on the system and be sure it does
stream from the lock, and it had an on-site oper-
not stray too far from acceptable gate openings
ator before rehabilitation. In an effort to reduce
and hence desired gage levels.
manpower requirements and consolidate the
There are two separate upper pool gage sen-
management of operations, the rehab included
sors and corresponding gage readings transmit-
installation of dam operating equipment that al-
ted by each of the two separate systems, for a to-
lowed for the remote automated control of the
tal of four upper gage values. The four readings
dam from the lock operating building, two miles
for the upper pool may vary by as much as 0.25
away. This equipment was designed to automat-
ft in random fashion, and lock personnel do not
ically operate the tainters based on inputs from
know which is reliable. The lockmaster believes
water-level gages, thus maintaining a specified
the problem originates in the adapters that input
upper pool elevation. Alternatively, manual op-
signals to the system as a result of their connec-
eration, either from the lock control building or
tion to shaft encoders, which in turn are driven
on-site at the dam, is possible. The system was
by manometer ("bubbler") gages. He believes
accepted by the Rock Island District in the
his main upper pool gage at the dam (which is
spring of 1990.
not a part of the automatic system) is very reli-
The system was designed by an outside con-
able; it is a gage driven by a float in a stilling
sultant, under contract to the Corps. The current
well. This gage does not produce a reading at
lockmaster had about ten years of previous ser-
the lockhouse. The lockmaster wants to see a sel-
vice at Marseilles, so he witnessed the planning
syn motor and telemark installed on this gage so
he can read it at the lockhouse. When this is ac-
and is the single person on the lock crew most
complished, he would rely on that reading as ac-
acquainted with the system. However, he felt his
curate. At the time of the visit, there was a pro-
acquaintance was not sufficient.
posal being considered by the District from a
There are two separate but parallel operating
vendor to do this, to tie this reading into the au-
systems, each having separate underground