terest of this study has been the essential opera-
nonetheless, is the attitude or reaction that per-
tional procedures necessary to carry on navigation
lock and dam activities, several other additional,
subject. A few negative reactions to both auto-
more or less separate, activities were the subject
mation and the solicitation of the opinions of
of some of the comments given in the returned
field personnel were revealed by remarks such
questionnaires. In other words, activities that are
as the following:
"Possibility of replacement of `people' with
not unique to lock and dam operations were
`machines' has a negative connotation with-
mentioned as already being in place, or planned,
in management circles."
or suggested for future installation. While no
"People, not machines!"
"No one would listen anyway."
was conducted, examples of these uses were a)
"I believe that very little attention is paid to
security or surveillance systems (e.g., remote
an operator's input."
control of entrance gates, cameras), b) facilities
management systems (e.g., routine maintenance
scheduling, CAD drawings, property inventor-
tomation to navigation lock and dam projects on
ies, FTE forecasting, historical data), c) lawn water-
a broad and comprehensive scale will have to
ing systems, and d) fax servers.
address attitudes that may be uninformed and
hostile. Important as it is, this subject was not
Another outcome of the survey that was peri-
dealt with in the present study.
pheral to the study objectives, but bears mention