ity range is similar to formation booms. Forma-
tion weirs such as the Israel River and Oil Creek
Abdelnour, R., G. Comfort and R.D. Crissman
structures, with velocities in the 0.3- to 1.7-ft/s
(1994) Assessment of ice boom technology for
range, are limited to shallower rivers due to
application to the upper Niagara River. In Pro-
cost. Tension weirs built to date (including the
ceedings, IAHR Symposium on Ice, Trondheim, Nor-
Japanese ice fence) are even more limited in
way, 2326 August. International Association for
terms of depth but are comparable to fixed weirs
Hydraulic Research, p. 734743.
in terms of approach flow velocity. Although ex-
Ashton, G.D. (Ed.) (1986) River and Lake Ice Engi-
perimental at this point, frazil collector lines and
neering. Littleton, Colorado: Water Resource
nets are relatively unconstrained by depth and
appear to exceed the velocity range of formation
Assur, A. and G.F. Frankenstein (1963) Control of
booms and weirs, promoting ice cover growth
ice jams at Colebrook, New Hampshire. USA
with velocities in the 3-ft/s range.
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labor-
Of the two groups of breakup structures,
atory Technical Memorandum, December,
weirs with piers are the more conservative, with
approach velocities in the 1.0- to 1.5-ft/s range.
Atkinson, C.H. and T.W. Waters (1978) Ice re-
In addition, the weir breakup structures do not
gime at Churchill Falls, Labrador. A comparison
depend solely on arching and the formation of a
of design expectations with actual performance.
grounded jam to impound flow and reduce the
In Proceedings, IAHR Symposium on Ice Problems,
approach velocity. Note that, even at the peak
Lule, Sweden, 79 August. International Associa-
discharges associated with breakup, the ap-
tion for Hydraulic Research, Part 2, p. 165.
proach velocity is quite comparable to the sur-
Axelson, K.D. (1991) Israel River ice control
face velocities upstream of the formation boom
structure. In Proceedings, 15th Annual Conference
group, indicating that the design of these break-
of the Association of State Floodplain Managers,
up ice control weirs is quite conservative. The
Denver, Colorado, 1014 June, p. 349352.
breakup structures that rely on piers alone to
Axelson, K.D., E.P. Foltyn, L.J. Zabilansky, J.H.
form a grounded jam appear less conservative in
Lever, R.E. Perham and G.E. Gooch (1990) Salm-
terms of approach velocity. At an extreme
on River ice jam control studies. Interim Report.
breakup flow, the calculated approach velocity
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
for the recently completed Hardwick granite
Laboratory, Special Report 906.
block structure is in the 3-ft/s range. The experi-
Belore, H.S., B.C. Burrell and S. Beltaos (1990) Ice
mental structure performed well during its first
jam mitigation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineer-
winter of testing, however. Estimated velocities
ing, 17(5): 675685.
at the Colebrook, N.H., icebreaker blocks are
Billfalk L. (1984) Strategic hydro power opera-
high, 510 ft/s, and the adjacent floodplain con-
tion at freeze-up reduces ice jamming. In Pro-
veyance area is limited. It is therefore not sur-
ceedings, IAHR Ice Symposium, Hamburg, Germa-
prising that the structure fails to retain the
ny. International Association for Hydraulic Re-
breakup ice run.
search, vol. 1, p. 265275.
In conclusion, the range of possible approach
Brachtl, I. (1974) Ice control structures on Slovak
velocities for successful ice retention is relatively
Rivers. In Proceedings, IAHR International Sympo-
narrow. Figure 27 shows the practical upper lim-
sium on Rivers and Ice. Volume of General Informa-
it for all groups of structures to be in the vicinity
tion and Postprints. International Association for
of 3 ft/s. In addition, there is considerable over-
Hydraulic Research, p. 149153.
lap in the velocity ranges of the formation boom,
Bryce, J.B. (1982) A hydraulic engineering histo-
formation weir, pier breakup and weir-and-pier
ry of the St. Lawrence power project with special
breakup structure groups. For the formation
reference to regulation of water levels and flows.
boom and frazil lines and nets groups, the veloc-
Prepared for Ontario Hydro, January, unpub-
ity must fall into the range of less than or equal
to 3 ft/s under natural conditions. The remain-
Burgi, P.H. (1971) Ice control structure on the
ing four groups rely on some structural means
North Platte River: A hydraulic model study.
of raising the water level to meet the velocity cri-
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla-
teria, however.
mation paper, REC-ERC71465.