Rapid ice cover progression depends on flow re-
wind-driven lake ice overriding the Lake St.
ductions during the 7- to 14-day formation peri-
Francis boom, as is the case with the Lake Erie
od. Since flow reduction is costly in terms of lost
hydropower production, the operators closely
A similar but smaller timber boom is located on
monitor water temperatures and weather to
the St. Marys River, south of the locks at Sault Ste.
decide when to form the cover. As with the Lake
Marie, Michigan (Fig. 6). Since its first installation
St. Francis boom, central gaps in the upstream
in the winter of 1975-76, the boom has performed
booms allow some frazil and floes to move
well, with only minor modifications (Perham
through to the downstream booms, speeding the
1977, 1978, 1984, 1985). The boom's centrally locat-
upstream progression of the ice cover. The two
ed navigation opening allows the passage of
booms nearest the forebay are constructed of
double circular steel pontoons as shown in Fig-
ure 6. The four upstream booms within the
canal, originally timbers, have been replaced in
recent years by rectangular steel pontoons, re-
ducing maintenance costs. Once the ice cover
forms in the canal, flow increases smooth the
cover's underside, decreasing hydropower head
losses. Flow is again decreased for a short period
at breakup to reduce the ice forces on the booms.
Strain links on three of the anchor lines of the
forebay boom provide valuable force data,
which guide operators on when to reduce or in-
crease the flow. Ice management at Beauharnois
is estimated to increase winter production by an
Figure 6. Boom on Beauharnois Canal, constructed of
average of 200 MW (Perham and Raciot 1975,
double steel pontoons.
Perham 1975*).
Ice control is equally important to hydro-
downbound vessels while limiting the ice vol-
power production in the International Section of
ume entering the constricted channel at the Lit-
the St. Lawrence. The New York Power Author-
tle Rapids Cut. For the same purpose, a four-
ity and Ontario Hydro annually install six tim-
span timber boom with a navigation opening
ber booms with a total length of roughly 15,000
was installed in 1976 at the Copeland Cut on the
ft in the 8-mile-long reach from Galop Island to
WileyDondero Canal near Massena, New York.
Ogdensburg (Fig. 7a and b). The booms are part
The boom performed well during its first season
of an extensive ice management program,
of use (Uzuner et al. 1977), but no recent infor-
designed to maximize winter power production
mation on the boom's performance has been
at the Moses Saunders Dam at Massena, New
York, 40 miles downstream. The booms form an
ice cover upstream of Lake St. Lawrence, the
Ice control for hydropower
dam's pool, reducing the production of frazil.
Upstream of Montreal the focus of the ice
Before the booms were installed in the fall of
control efforts shifts from navigation and ice jam
1959, severe hanging dams formed at the up-
prevention to hydroelectric production. The
stream edge of Lake St. Lawrence, resulting in
Lake Erie and Lake St. Francis booms could be
placed in this group, since they are both located
significant production losses at the hydro sta-
upstream of hydrostations and their failure to
tions at Massena. The booms have performed
perform results in production losses.
well, with only minor modifications, since their
Downstream of the Lake St. Francis boom, a
first deployment 34 years ago. Careful flow
series of six steel pontoon booms on the Beau-
manipulation at the dam at Massena and the
harnois Canal promote the rapid formation of an
Iroquois control structure (Fig. 7c), airborne sur-
ice cover, upstream of the power station (Fig. 4).
veillance and field measurement of ice thickness
and water temperature are all critical compo-
* Personal communication with Gilles Maisoneuve, Hydro
nents of the overall ice management scheme on
Quebec, Centrale Beauharnois, April 1994.