Haley Island, would likely prevent all major ice
tection measures are deemed justifiable or not, an
early breakup warning network must be consid-
2. Bypass channel. Dredge an existing channel
ered along both the upper Aroostook River and
at Crouseville to improve its flow capacity and
the upper St. John to enhance the existing early
reduce flooding.
warning system provided by the National Wea-
3. Ice motion detector. Install detectors at the
ther Service and St. John River Flood Forecast
DCP sites in Masardis or Washburn, or both,
Center. This network would consist of ice move-
which could provide up to 48 hours advanced
ment sensors located at the suggested locations
warning to the town of Fort Fairfield.
and would prove invaluable by providing warn-
The one season of field observations over such
ing and verification that a breakup is in process
a vast area was insufficient to allow us to pre-
cisely identify both sites and corresponding spe-
cific ice control methods. The most important in-
formation still lacking is the amount of ice that
IAHR (1986) River ice jams: A state-of-the-art re-
reaches the flood-prone areas during a quick,
port. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Sym-
troublesome breakup. For example, we are still
posium on Ice, Iowa City, August. IAHR Section on
uncertain whether a significant amount of ice
Ice Research and Engineering, Working Group
currently passes over the Caribou dam and con-
tributes to the severity of the jam at Fort Fair-
USACE (1987) Aroostook River Flood Damage
field. If it does, then an ICS immediately up-
Reduction Project, Fort Fairfield, Maine. U.S.
stream of the Caribou dam would help alleviate
Army Corps of Engineers, New England Divi-
the ice jam at Fort Fairfield, while the structure
sion, August, Technical Appendices for the Defi-
proposed upstream of Fort Fairfield in the vicin-
nite Project Report for Water Resources Develop-
ity of Haley Island may or may not be necessary
or justified. If not, and all the ice that causes
USACE (1990) HEC2, water surface profiles
problems at Fort Fairfield originates downstream
user's manual. Davis, California: U.S. Army Corps
from the Caribou dam, then no structure at the
of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Research
dam should be considered. In that case only an
ICS within 5 miles of Fort Fairfield would be
Wuebben, J.L., J.J. Gagnon and D.S. Deck (1992)
considered. At a minimum, an additional year of
Ice jam flood assessment for the BufordTrenton
field investigations would be required beyond
irrigation district and vicinity, Williston, North
Dakota. USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
locations and designs of any ICSs or proposed
neering Laboratory. Contract report to U.S. Army
stream alterations considered are determined.
Engineer District, Omaha, July 1992.
Whether any of the above ice control or pro-