Workman Reynolds Effect (Drost-Hansen 1967,
view, I want specifically to examine the roles of
Murphy 1970, Hanley and Rao 1982). Freezing po-
soil chemical properties on moisture movement in
tentials are properties of dilute solutions and pure
freezing and frozen soils. Before discussing chemi-
water and disappear at high concentrations (Drost-
cal effects, however, we need a theoretical frame-
Hansen 1967, Murphy 1970). Although Hanley
work for the discussion.
and Rao (1982) developed a model to quantify the
Following Perfect et al. (1991), we will use the
relation between freezing potentials and the mi-
nonequilibrium thermodynamic approach, where
gration of moisture and ions in freezing soil, the
fluxes are written as explicit functions of both
overall significance of this phenomenon for soil
direct and coupled transport phenomena. For ex-
freezing is unclear. Another electrical phenome-
non, electro-osmosis, can cause considerable wa-
jw = -Lwh∇T /T - Lww∇pl
ter movement, but this is only important in cases
where induced electrical potentials are applied to
soils (Hoekstra and Chamberlain 1964). Outcalt et
- Lws∇π - Lwe ∇ ε
al. (1989) monitored electric potentials in freezing
soils during diurnal and seasonal freezethaw
js = -Lsh∇T /T - Lsw∇pl
cycles. They concluded that the rapid and system-
atic pattern of electrical potential variation dur-
- Lss∇π - Lsc∇ε
ing freezethaw events demonstrates that the
effects of electrolyte concentration and dilution are
products of evaporationdistillation, melting of
jw and js = fluxes of liquid water and
frost-purified ice, soil water advection to the freez-
∇T, ∇pl, ∇π and ∇ε = gradients in temperature,
ing region, electrolyte expulsion from the freez-
ing region and infiltration of rain and snowmelt.
hydrostatic pressure, solute
They further concluded that soil electrical poten-
concentration and charge
tials will yield valuable information concerning
Lmn = transport coefficient relating
the mth flux (jm) to the nth
the state and mobility of soil water in freezing and
thawing soils.
In general, water moves from warm to cold,
from regions of low solute concentration to high-
Fluxes and their driving forces (gradients) in fro-
solute regions and from high-moisture zones to
zen porous media are summarized in Table 1.
low-moisture zones (Perfect et al. 1991). Chemical
Water moves in soil (jw) in response to changes
potentials of water due to gradients of hydrostat-
in the chemical potential of water, which is related
to gradients in the hydrostatic pressure (∇pl) (Dar-
ic pressure, solute concentration and temperature
interact additively to create a strong thermody-
cy's Law), temperature (thermo-osmosis), solute
namic sink for liquid water at the freezing front
concentration (capillary osmosis) and electrical
(Fig. 3). As soils freeze from the top downward,
potential (electro-osmosis) (Table 1, eq 6).
the thermal gradient will induce an upward flow
At the freezing front in dilute solutions, anions
of water to the freezing front. Solutes are largely
(generally) are preferentially absorbed into the ice
excluded in the freezing process, and maximum
phase, leading to a measurable charge separation
solute concentrations are generally found imme-
(freezing potentials); this phenomenon is called the
Table 1. Matrix of direct and coupled transport phenomena in frozen
porous media. (After Perfect et al. 1991).
Driving force
[Dufour Effect]†
Peltier Effect
Capillary osmosis
Soret Effect
Reverse osmosis
[Seebeck Effect]
Streaming potential
[Diffusion potential]
* Direct processes are upper case; coupled processes are lower case.
† No reference to bracketed processes found in the soil freezing literature.