Based on our findings and those in other stud-
We are currently testing FRE, FEP, and FRP to
ies (Cowgill 1988, Ranney and Parker 1994), we
determine whether they sorb or leach metals.
feel that FRE appears to make an excellent candi-
This will help us determine the overall suitability
date material for monitoring organics. It is rela-
tively nonsorptive of dissolved organic solutes
toring wells.
(Ranney and Parker 1994) and is more resistant to
degradation by solvents than the more com-
monly used PVC. Also, our previous study (Ran-
ney and Parker 1994) and that of Cowgill (1988)
show that FRE does not leach many organic con-
Aller, L., T.W . Bennett, G. Hackett, R.J. Petty,
taminants that would interfere with analyses.
J.H. Lehr, H. Sedoris, D.M. Nielsen, and J.E.
However, because we found that strongly acidic
Denne (1989) Handbook of Suggested Practices for
conditions (pH <1) degraded this polymer, its use
the Design and Installation of Ground-water Moni-
in acidic environments may be limited. Further
toring Wells. Dublin, Ohio: National Water Well
tests are needed to resolve this issue.
In this study and our previous study (Ranney
Barcelona, M.J., J.P. Gibb, and R.A. Miller (1984)
and Parker 1994), FEP performed similarly to
A guide to the selection of materials for monitor-
PTFE. These polymers are very resistant to degra-
ing well construction and ground water sam-
dation by chemicals, do not appear to leach or-
pling. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Re-
port No. EPA-600/2-84-024, U.S. Government
some organic solutes. FEP does not appear to of-
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
fer any clear advantage or disadvantage over
Barcelona, M.J., J.A. Helfrich, and E.E. Garske
(1985) Sampling tubing effects on ground water
samples. Analytical Chemistry, 57: 460464.
that of PVC except that, unlike PVC, it is de-
Berens, A.R. (1985) Prediction of organic chemi-
graded by very acidic conditions. FRP is much
cal permeation through PVC pipe. Journal of the
more sorptive of dilute organic solutes than PVC
American Water Works Association, 77(11): 5764.
and has been found to leach organic contami-
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company (1992) Cole-
nants (Ranney and Parker 1994). Therefore, we
Parmer Instrument Company 19931994 Catalog, p.
feel that PTFE, FEP, FRE and PVC would be gen-
14631471. Niles, Illinois: Cole-Parmer Instru-
erally better for monitoring organics than FRP.
ment Company.
Our previous study (Ranney and Parker 1994)
has shown that PVC is relatively nonsorptive of
of leachate from a two-week dwell-time study of
dilute organic solutes and does not leach organic
PVC casing and a three-week dwell time study of
contaminants. However, PVC cannot be used
when neat PVC solvents are present or high con-
centrations of these solvents are present. (This is-
STP 963 (A.G. Collins and A.I. Johnson, Eds.), p.
sue has been addressed by our laboratory in sev-
172184. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American
eral papers [Parker 1992, Parker et al. 1992,
Society for Testing and Materials.
Parker and Ranney 1994a,b].) However, it should
Curran, C.M. and M.B. Tomson (1983) Leaching
be noted that neat organic (PVC) solvents are not
of trace organics into water from five common
normally encountered in most groundwater
plastics. Ground Water Monitoring Review, 3: 6871.
monitoring situations. High concentrations of or-
Driscoll, F.G. (1986) Ground Water and Wells. St.
ganic (PVC) solvents (approaching their aqueous
Paul, Minnesota: Johnson Division.
solubility) are also relatively uncommon. Thus
Fuchs, O. (1989) Solvents and non-solvents for
polymers. In Polymer Handbook, Third Edition (J.
ing applications.
Brandrup and E.H. Immergut, Eds.). New York:
Of the six casing materials we have tested, we
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
feel that ABS would be the worst material for
Gillham, R.W, and S.F. O'Hannesin (1990) Sorp-
tion of aromatic hydrocarbons by materials used
or degraded by all of the organic solvents we
in construction of ground-water monitoring sam-
tested. It also leached many organic contami-
pling wells. In Ground Water and Vadose Zone
nants and was extremely sorptive of dilute or-
Monitoring, ASTM STP 1053 (D.M. Nielsen and
ganic solutes (Ranney and Parker 1994).
A.I. Johnson, Eds.), p. 108122. Philadelphia, Penn-